What is an e-mail list?
An e-mail list is a group of people who are interested in the same thing who come together to share their stories, information, hopes and dreams. Individuals send messages to a single e-mail address and it is automatically distributed to all members of that list. You can receive these messages as individual e-mails or put together in digest form. For lists with a large number of members or postings digest may be better. (You can change your settings at any time if you aren’t sure about this now.)
To join simply click on the links below which should open an e-mail please put subscribe in the body of the e-mail. In order to access e-mail archives for the AFTH lists you will need to have a YahooID. Go to yahoogroups.com, click on the link that says “new users click here to register” and follow the simple instructions.*
Adoptions From the Heart Lists
AFTHopenadoption – This list is open to all families interested in Caucasian open adoption and African-American open adoption programs through AFTH. Families that are already working with us in our open adoption program or have already adopted through our open adoption program are also welcome! This list is monitored by AFTH staff.
AFTHFamilyPride – Created by Adoptions From The Heart as a support group for LGBT families. Discussions of parenting issues, updates on state legislation and legal issues surrounding LGBT families. This list is open to all LGBT families not just those who have adopted through AFTH.
AFTH Update Newsletters
Domestic Updates Newsletter – This is a non-posting list for AFTH families to receive updates on our Domestic Adoption Programs.
China Update Newsletter – This is a non-posting list for AFTH families to receive updates on our China Adoption program.
International Adoption e-mail lists
a-parents-china – A wonderful list for families who have adopted, are considering adopting or are in the process of adopting from China. (This list generates A LOT of e-mail, you may want to get this in digest form)
*Please be aware that AFTH did not create most of these e-mail lists and unless specified as strictly an AFTH list, families from all different agencies will be posting messages.