What Is Manifestation?

Manifestation refers to various pseudoscientific self-help strategies intended to bring about a personal goal, primarily by focusing one’s thoughts on the desired outcome. It’s important to show birth parents support that isn’t solely financial or counseling, but rather other practices that might open up an individual to new experiences.

About our Workshop

On April 5, 2022, Adoptions From The Heart hosted a Finding Purpose Through Manifestation Workshop for Birth Parents. AFTH introduced Life Coach Joe Longo to make this workshop exceptional. At the workshop, they covered topics such as: defining your definition of happiness, discovering what you want and what brings us joy, loving yourself and knowing your worth, finding your purpose, Setting Intentions, Being the director of your own life, and Avoiding Roadblocks/Negativity. 

In the Finding Purpose Through Manifestation workshop, birth parents learned the techniques of manifestation. This can mean setting daily intentions, journaling affirmations to yourself, meditating when you can, and thinking about the things you can make a  reality while trying not to complain about the things you cannot control. Joe helped everyone to realize the negativity that may be surrounding us each day and helped everyone learn how to navigate through it to center ourselves in our own realities. 

The Three Core “Why(s)”

The workshop taught birth parents to “Ask Why”.  Joe instilled in them why we need to constantly ask ourselves the three core “why(s)”. First, ask your head why, then ask your heart why, and finally ask your gut why? Joe even gave our birth parents homework. They were asked to start focusing on the pink flamingo, to show that if you focus on anything hard enough it will become apparent. For all positive outcomes, Joe encouraged birth parents to create a celebration list, highlighting the small victories and accomplishments.

We want to thank Joe Longo for working with Adoptions From The Heart. He has donated his time and expertise to our birth parents. While giving them new tools and knowledge they can use in their everyday lives. Thanks to amazing people like Joe, Adoptions From the Heart is continuously able to provide endless support to birth parents and the adoption community.


Feedback from Participants 

“The workshop was about manifesting your destiny on a cellular level by literally embodying the ideal you! I was taught how to be the Architect of my life. Just like any skill it needs to be honed by practice and constant routine. Joe, our mentor, had gems of insight and was relatable, making it easy to talk about personal and emotional hang-ups. In only an hour, I was given the tools I needed to build my fantasy life and make it a reality,” Birthmom, Toni. 

“I love support group and these workshops… makes me think about things in myself that sometimes I don’t want to, but that’s the only way to address yourself and overcome those mental demons, as I call them. So I thank you so much for everything,”  Birthmom, Asia. 


About the Presenter

Joe Longo is a Manifestation Coach focusing on helping others find the LIGHT WITHIN. He helps awaken a deep desire and passion to live with a sense of purpose for something greater than yourself. He completed his Life Coaching with Lumia founded by John Kim (The Angry Therapist). His focus and his “why” is on Manifestation coaching. He loves helping clients recognize and revolve self-limiting beliefs so they can manifest their best life. Here you can find his personal website. https://www.inspirecreatemanifest.com