As part of our goal to continue supporting expecting and birth parents, Adoptions From The Heart has partnered with some extraordinary individuals in order to help continue the healing process for our clients. In this workshop recap, you will begin to dive into some of the previous workshops that we’ve had the opportunity to host and collaborate on, as well as, a sneak peek into future workshops that we have in store! Let’s take a look.

“Befriend Your Inner Critic”

Our very first workshop was “Befriending Your Inner Critic, hosted by Jenn Oglesby. We worked alongside Jenn to develop a workshop that was specifically geared toward providing our birth parents with the tools to help better understand their relationships with their inner selves. The goal was to assist them in facing the critics head-on, to take steps forward in being progressive in the lives they sought out for themselves, before and after becoming birth parents.

This workshop was important for the internal growth of our birth parents. Jenn is exceptionally well at allowing these birth parents positive and safe spaces to be and feel vulnerable and open-minded when confronting their inner critics.

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“The Importance of Self-Care”

The second workshop we hosted was a “Self-Care Workshop” for birth parents, hosted by none other than, Gina Marie Hutchison Sampson. In this workshop, Gina helped the birth parents understand all the benefits of self-care and the importance of protecting your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. When we think of the support of birth parents, we tend to jump right to financial instability or counseling. Sometimes something as modest as showing someone healthy ways to put themselves first can be equally as important.

This workshop covered the power of meditation and breathing, having conversations with yourself throughout the day, and the importance of setting reminders to pause and think. They discussed the importance of checking in with yourself and figuring out what you love. This specific workshop provided helpful tools to help birth parents be able to refocus their energy and continue being the amazing people we’ve grown to know and love. 

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“Finding Purpose Through Manifestation”

Our third and most recent workshop was “Finding Purpose Through Manifestation” hosted by life coach Joe Longo. This workshop shared with our birth parents the importance of opening oneself up to new experiences and allowing one’s thoughts and focuses to help achieve the desired outcome. They covered topics like defining happiness, discovering what brings you joy, knowing your worth, finding purpose, and being the pilot of your own life. Joe exclaimed how being the pilot of your life, sometimes means steering yourself away from negativity and hurdles that may be harmful to your joy.

Joe Longo left the group with so many amazing tools and techniques that show you how to stay ahead on your journey to a better you. He encouraged our clients to keep daily journals and write daily affirmations to themselves, to meditate, and really think about the things that can be realistically made into a reality. Attendees walked away with overall knowledge of how we think can affect our outcomes.

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It is workshops like these that allow Adoptions From The Heart to be able to continuously support our birth parents through the emotional journey of adoption, post-placement! For each of these events, we’ve grown and gotten more and more feedback from birth parents, explaining how all the while they may be experiencing mental demons or questioning the architects of their lives, the workshops have assisted them in facing these things head-on. We encourage each office to invite their birth families to join future workshops, as it can be the key to unlocking the door of healing within a lot of our clients.

In future news, Adoptions From The Heart has officially partnered with Jenn Oglesbee, in an effort to continue the process of helping our birth parents heal after placement. The next workshop will take place in May and will be about cycles of change! This workshop will be a great opportunity to learn about where you are in the process of healing, gain some tools to care for yourself in the healing process, and so much more. Jenn Oglesbee and AFTH have a lot of great things brewing and can’t wait to share and bring you all along!

For more information on how to get involved, visit or contact your local office today!