AFTH’s Stance
For those worried or scared about the new US policy reversals and changes, we want to assure you that Adoptions From The Heart will continue to stand behind our core values of C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Read full statement here.
AFTH Comments on Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Ruling
There are some adoption agencies and attorneys celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision as they anticipate an increase in the number of pregnant people who will now feel they have no other option; AFTH is not among them. We strongly believe that body autonomy is a right that every expecting parent should have and that they should have the right to make these very personal life-altering decisions without input from the government.
AFTH is still committed to choice and will provide resources and educate expecting parents about all their legal options to help them make informed decisions that they alone should be able to make. Read our full statement here
Statement of Solidarity
Adoptions From The Heart stands with the world in the fight for equality and fair treatment for men, women and children of color. Read full statement here.
We Know You Have Adoption Questions – Ask Us!
We invite you to browse our site! Whether you are pregnant and assessing your options, would like to build your own beautiful family, or are a family member seeking information on adoptions and our other services, there is a wealth of information at your fingertips.
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News & Announcements
Adoption News: March 2025
Download PDF Articles Include: Celebrating 40 years of Adoptions From The Heart Happy National Social Work Month Spring Educational Series: Enrollment Now Open Welcoming New AFTH Staff Find Their Footing 5k Festival & Run Celebrating Generosity AFTH's Stance Triangle Time: Building Community & Connection Celebrating Stephanie Capriotti New OnDemand Webinars Terry and Jared's Adoption Journey: A [...]
Upcoming Heart-to-Heart Fundraiser Highlighting Women in Adoption
On March 26th, Adoptions from the Heart is hosting our upcoming Heart-to-Heart Fundraiser highlighting women in adoption. Adoptions from the Heart has hosted many Heart-to-Heart fundraising events, with themes ranging from mental health awareness to LGBTQ+ adoption. This March, in honor of National Women’s Month, we are hosting a Heart-to-Heart with a group of wonderful [...]
Social Worker to the Stars — Stephanie Capriotti
March is Social Work Month, during which we honor the social workers who make our mission possible. Social workers support our community in integral, everyday ways. Whether they are emotionally supporting an adoptive family or bringing a last-minute car seat to a birth mother in need, social workers are there for it all. Today, we're [...]
Testimonials From Women We Have Helped
“Obviously this situation wasn’t one I saw myself being in when I was only 19 years old, but, wishful thinking aside, I was, and it will be something I remember forever. I called various adoption agencies and Adoptions From The Heart seemed a lot more friendly and open and more willing to talk to me even if I hadn’t pledged my loyalty to their services. It helped a lot to know that I didn’t have to take care of everything by myself. I appreciate all the help and guidance you’ve given me and I wish that everyone’s adoption experience could be as comforting as mine was (thanks to you and your staff). The work you do and the effort you put in is fantastic and really admirable. Thank you again for everything.” – Samantha
“I can’t even begin to thank you for everything you have done for me. I could never have done anything without you. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.” – Theriese (letter to an AFTH social worker)
“Thank you so much for everything. You guys are a true blessing to me and my daughter.” – Michelle (Birth mother aided by the donation fund)