As mothers all around the globe prepare for their special day, it’s important to remember the moms whose Mother’s day may look a little different each year. Mother’s Day is, typically, a day dedicated to the matriarch of a family (Biological or Adoptive Mother). On this day, children share photos, and stories, extend acts of service and even give gifts as forms of appreciation for all of the love, service, and sacrifices these women have made year long.

Birthmother’s day is a tribute and honoring of the sacrifice of a birth mother’s placing of her child. This holiday is there to highlight the women who are often overlooked in efforts to celebrate their bravery and sacrifices for their birth child. On this day, adoptive families also may share photos and exchange gifts as forms of love and appreciation.

It’s safe to say that family dynamics have evolved over the years and are continuing to evolve, especially in the adoption community. In adoption, birthmothers and adoptive mothers are two crucial parts of the triad. In a recent AFTHtv episode, we were joined by birth mom, Aimee, and adoptive mom, Shelly, who has grown very close over the course of their adoption journey. This Mother’s and Birthmothers Day, AFTH wants to celebrate these two phenomenal women, and all women,  who have taken the term ‘blended family’ to a whole new level.

“We’ve been able to have just some really special things. For Macy, just to learn about her past and her connections. Macy never had a day where we’ve said “You’re adopted” it’s just there,” Shelly says.

Aimee added, “In a way, I tried not to set myself up for failure. I was most afraid of losing her … meeting Shelly and Doug and having them involved, which naturally became more than that, really eased everything; all those feelings of anxiety and being scared.”

Shelly continued to explain how one of the reasons she and Aimee maintain such a close-knit relationship is because there are no feelings of threat between the two. “You get asked so many questions about adoption and we’ve gotten good at answering adoption questions. But, I think the biggest thing is that there’s no threat. If you put the child at the center and not the parents, it’s about having everyone to love. That’s the meat of it all. You can let your guard down and when love takes over, that is what it’s all about.”

Both Shelly and Aimee wanted their open adoption to work and it shows. The relationship that both birth mom and adoptive mom have created, continues to blossom and grow into what we can only dream of for each of our placements. To Aimee and Shelly, Thank you for continuing to be amazing examples of what open adoption can be, and from everyone here at Adoptions From The Heart, We wish you both a Happy Mother’s and Birth Mother’s Day!

If you are interested in supporting amazing individuals like Aimee and Shelly, head over to, to see how you can donate or you can NOW text “AFTH” to 44-321!

If you are interested in checking out the full AFTHtv episode featuring Aimee and Shelly, click the link below: