As most people are aware, Mother’s Day is this upcoming Sunday. Many people are undoubtedly preparing to give their mothers the best possible day. After all, the holiday is meant to celebrate all that mothers do for their children. During this holiday, though, it is important to consider the feelings of birth mothers.  

Some birth mothers may still be experiencing grief from their decision to choose adoption. They may be grieving the different path their life could have taken with their children. Remember to reassure birth mothers in their decisions during this time. Choosing adoption just proves how much birth mothers care for their children. They are still parents and deserve to be recognized as such. 

Other birth mothers may feel left out from the festivities. They may also feel as if they are not truly the mothers of their children. Birth mothers deserve a day of celebration. That is why the Saturday before Mother’s Day is dedicated to them. On this day, make sure to let the birth mothers in your life know just how much they are appreciated.  

For many families who chose adoption, they would not be together if it were not for a birth mother’s choice to pursue adoption. Birth mothers are a vital part of the adoption triad. On Mother’s Day, remember to support any birth mothers you may know. Listen to their thoughts and try to help them in any way they need.  

If you or a loved one need additional support, consider joining AFTH’s birth parent support group. Here, birth parents can meet and discuss their experiences together.