Adopción Abierta

La mejor opción para su Bebé y para Usted

Un embarazo inesperado es una de las experiencias más difíciles de afrontar en la vida. En nuestra agencia contamos con personal especializado para ofrecer ayuda personal y familiar, para que los padres biológicos puedan hacer frente a sus sentimientos y tomar decisiones. Sabemos que la formación de un plan de adopción puede ser la decisión más difícil de su vida. Estamos aquí para ayudar.

Si usted tiene un embarazo imprevisto y no puede hacerse cargo de su bebé, explore la opción de la adopción abierta. La formación de un plan de adopción para su bebé es la última expresión de amor para su niño.
Con la adopción abierta, usted hace sus propias opciones, usted decide. Puede seleccionar a la familia más apropiada para su niño después de ver videos, leer cartas y ver fotos de las familias que están en espera.

Usted No Está Sola

Puede elegir a la familia y permanecer en contacto con ella a través de cartas o visitas hasta que su niño cumpla 18 años. A medida que su bebé crece, él o ella tendrá la seguridad de saber que usted tomo una decisión con el corazón, pensando solamente en el bienestar del bebé.
Llámenos en cualquier momento. Estamos aquí para escuchar y ayudar. Con “Adoptions From the Heart” usted se dará cuenta de que no está sola. Nuestros asistentes sociales  y personal especializado están disponibles las 24 horas del día y estarán junto a usted durante todo el proceso de adopción, incluso le podrán ayudar a conseguir cuidado prenatal gratuito.  La agencia le proporcionara ayuda hasta cuando lo necesite, incluso cuando la adopción esté finalizada.

Folleto de transferencia directa.

Con nuestra fuerza podemos hacer esto – juntos.
Llámenos 24 horas al día: 1-800-355-5500

Want to Learn More?

Testimonials From Women We Have Helped

“Obviously this situation wasn’t one I saw myself being in when I was only 19 years old, but, wishful thinking aside, I was, and it will be something I remember forever. I called various adoption agencies and Adoptions From The Heart seemed a lot more friendly and open and more willing to talk to me even if I hadn’t pledged my loyalty to their services. It helped a lot to know that I didn’t have to take care of everything by myself. I appreciate all the help and guidance you’ve given me and I wish that everyone’s adoption experience could be as comforting as mine was (thanks to you and your staff). The work you do and the effort you put in is fantastic and really admirable. Thank you again for everything.” – Samantha

“I can’t even begin to thank you for everything you have done for me. I could never have done anything without you. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.” – Theriese (letter to an AFTH social worker)

“Thank you so much for everything. You guys are a true blessing to me and my daughter.” – Michelle (Birth mother aided by the donation fund)

Want to Learn More?

1. Contact Us

We know you have questions. Our experienced social workers are standing by to listen to you and inform you about your options. Call, text, submit a form or chat with us 24/7.

2. Talk to a counselor

Our experienced counselors will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and advise you of your options. We will support you all the way through your decision. Once you have made a decision as to what you want to do with your pregnancy, we will give you assistance with your next step.

3. Stay Supported

Support is key. We know from the thousands of people we have helped that no matter which option you choose, you always need support.

If you choose to adoption for your baby

Here are the next steps >>

Pick an adopting family

We have a database of families that have created profiles to show their values, and why they are seeking to adopt a child. You can watch videos, read their bios and decide which family you are most comfortable with and one that fits your goals. We can help you through this process.

Complete your adoption plan

Once you have selected a family, we will help you with the details of the adoption, and how involved you would like to be. We pass no judgment and we are here to support you and achieve your goals.