Expectant and Birth Parent Fund

Expectant and Birth parents have unique stories and face unique challenges. No one’s struggle is more or less important and all needs, big or small, deserve help and support.

Those in need are not demanding financial help but are silently trying to find a way out. A little financial relief from difficult circumstances can make a huge difference and AFTH has seen it propel these families into a better place with ongoing stability. The silent struggles these people are facing are given a voice by the social workers who are watching over them in support.

Gift Card Drive

Prior to the holidays, AFTH identifies women who have placed their children for adoption but are still parenting other children and are in need of financial assistance. We donate gift cards for groceries, clothing and toys for the holidays. For many, this is the only way they can do something special for their children.

AFTH will be accepting Target, Walmart, Acme, Wegmans, Giant and Visa gift cards in denominations ranging from $25 – $200 for birth mothers in need of a little extra help during the holiday season.

Cards can be sent to:

Adoptions from the Heart
Attn: Gift Card Drive
30-31 Hampstead Circle
Wynnewood, PA 19096

Accepting Gift Cards all year long!

Birth Parent Scholarship

AFTH wants to help birth parents get on their feet and establish a career. AFTH Educational scholarships are available for parents who have placed their child for adoption.
Scholarships can be used for trade schools, undergraduate studies or for graduate studies at a university. Payments may be made directly to the schools or to the individual depending on circumstances.

Consider donating toward the birth parent scholarship fund to help birth parents establish careers.

Why We Need Your Support

Dear Friends of Adoptions From The Heart,

60% of Americans have a personal connection to adoption and an estimated 1 out of 10 Americans is an adoptee, adoptive parent, or birth parent. It’s no wonder adoption has become an increasingly popular theme on tv shows, movies, and in news stories.   However, stereotypes and misconceptions continue to be presented. Thanks to passionate donors and supporters like you, AFTH is able to provide the community with reliable adoption education and awareness. Together we can share an authentic view of adoption.


AFTH’s commitment to the adoption community shines through our passion for our work 365 days a year. We want to continue to be a resource for the community, families, children, and women in need.

Donations may be made in honor or in memory of specific individuals. Enclose a note with your donation along with the honoree’s address so we can notify them that a donation was made in their name.

We thank you for graciously extending your hand to partner with AFTH as we continue to advocate for the needs of the adoption community in this changing world. All donations made to AFTH are tax- deductible.

Your donation today is an investment in promoting a better tomorrow for someone truly in need! All contributions are tax deductible. Please consider a donation of $50, or more to Adoptions From The Heart.  Your support can ensure a better future for each member, and future member, of the Adoptions From The Heart community.  We thank you for giving as generously as you can.

Listen To How YOUR Donations CHANGED Their Lives

Escaping Abuse: 
The AFTH Expecting & Birthmother Fund literally saved my life and the lives of my children age 2 and 4. I was living with my abusive, drug addict husband who would disappear for weeks at a time without paying our bills. I knew I needed out! The women’s crisis center was too far to walk with my little ones and my car needed repairs which my husband refused to make to keep me home.AFTH hired a mechanic to do the repairs. I escaped to the shelter and then got permanent housing, however I didn’t have grocery money for the first month on my own.AFTH provided groceries and gave me gift cards for Christmas to buy my children clothes and a few toys. Thank you to those who gave to the fund because without the help I don’t know where I would be. My goal is to gain more stability so I can return the favor to AFTH and help another woman in need. Tracey from Pittsburgh

Kicked Out Because of Choosing Adoption:
Making an adoption plan was hard to do but being kicked out by my Mom because of doing it was devastating. My children and I were left without a place to live. Public housing had a waiting list and I didn’t know where to go. AFTH paid a security deposit for alternative housing until I could get into public housing. It is one thing for me to have to live on the streets after being kicked out but my children – no way! Because of AFTH’s help, my children didn’t have to live on the streets until we found a new place to liveToni from Central PA

Living on $0 Income Until Cleared By Doctor to Return to Work:
Choosing adoption for my baby was the right thing. I work full time but at minimum wage, I was just making ends meet with my two other childrenMy C-section left me unable to work for 8 weeks. Without a paycheck, I couldn’t pay rent and was getting evicted. AFTH covered 2 months of rent so I could keep my apartment. I’m back to work now but I can’t imagine having to take my children to a shelter because I couldn’t go back to work right away after having a baby Lori from Western PA

Unable to Provide for More than the Minimum:
I didn’t know what I was going to do because my kid’s school has a dress code and they outgrew last year’s clothes and I didn’t have any extra money. AFTH gave me a Target gift card so I could purchase clothes for them to wear to school. Kelsey from Delaware

Job Loss Changes Stability:
We placed our newborn but were also parenting a son together. I lost my job and then our house and we moved in with my parents. Our car needed an inspection and with no way to get to work my girlfriend was about to lose her job. AFTH saved her job by paying for the inspection and gave us Walmart gift cards to help buy food. AFTH got us through one of the most difficult times in our lives. Alex, birthfather from Harrisburg

Sometimes it is as simple as a phone:
I work very hard to provide for my three children with the help and support of my church. I knew adoption was the best choice for my fourth baby. It may seem simple but what I really needed was a phone. AFTH bought me a trac phone with minutes so I could make doctor appointments and have a contact number in case of emergencies. Sue from Philadelphia

YOUR donation to the AFTH Expecting & Birthmother Fund WILL help change someone’s life.
Ask any of the above recipients, your donation mattered to THEM!