Adoptions From The Heart has been working with birth parents for over 30 years and some of our social workers have gotten to know many great men and women who placed a child and were looking to further their education.
Further Your Education With Adoptions From The Heart
Because of these wonderful men and women, AFTH has created the Educational Scholarship Program to help birth parents get on their feet and establish a long term career.
The scholarship is not limited to those who placed with AFTH and we are gladly welcoming birth parents from other agencies or attorneys to apply.
One AFTH Birthmother described her success from continuing her education after placement, “Making an adoption plan was the hardest decision of my life, but choosing to better myself so my daughter has someone to look up to was the easiest. Achieving my goal of getting a degree made me a better person.”
How Does AFTH Choose Recipients?
Twice a year, AFTH’s Board of Directors meets to review the applications that have been received for the following semester. The board chooses the winning applications and unfortunately we are not able to help every applicant.
To qualify for this scholarship, the applicant must:
- have placed a child for adoption in or after the year 1985
- have been accepted to a college or trade school
- be able to show financial need
- write an essay regarding their personal adoption story.
Recipients of the scholarship are eligible for up to eight semesters and the payments are made directly to the school.
The deadline for the spring 2015 semester has passed, but you can apply for the fall 2015 scholarship before July 1st 2015.
It is important to note that choosing adoption for your baby does not guarantee a scholarship will be available. The number of scholarships and the amount for each awarded vary depending on the number of applicants and tuition amounts.
How Can I Apply?
You can apply online by going to our scholarship page at You will be asked questions about your education level, your criminal history, as well as being asked to attach or mail in the following:
- a copy of your W-2 or last year’s tax return
- your essay about your adoption journey
- a letter of verification of placement from your agency or attorney
- proof of acceptance to the school.