Considering Adoption During National Infertility Awareness Week

April 21-27 is National Infertility Awareness Week. This week is all about making people aware of infertility, supporting those who have experienced it and educating others about the topic. This year, AFTH wants to take time to highlight a story of infertility within the adoption community and how open adoption ended up playing a part in the family’s story.  

Adoptions From The Heart Board Member Highlights

We are proud to introduce the esteemed members of AFTH's board, each bringing a wealth of experience and passion to our cause. Together, this dynamic board stands united in our commitment to empower and uplift those we serve. Maxine Chalker President & Adoptee Maxine is the founder and president [...]

Getting Involved With Adoptions From The Heart

At Adoptions From The Heart, we offer valuable services such as counseling, mediation, and educational resources to support both sets of parents in their respective roles and journeys. We also like to include members of the triad whenever possible. Life's best lessons are learned through experience. Life's best lessons are taught from experience. Staying connected [...]

Spotlight: Birth Mom Mary Kiker

The connections AFTH has made go beyond just people the agency has hired or parents it has helped. There is actually a large amount of overlap between these groups. Many people who collaborate with AFTH frequently are parts of the adoption triad. One prime example is Mary Kiker, a birth mom who placed her daughter through AFTH and frequently works with the agency on different events and classes.

How AFTH’s Open-Adoption Social Workers Differ from Traditional Social Workers

Open-adoption social workers play a unique and vital role in the social work field. Unlike traditional social workers who focus on child welfare or family services, our open-adoption social workers specialize in facilitating options counseling sessions, assisting in the placement process (paperwork, home studies, etc.), educating prospective parents, being there in support of expecting and [...]

Recap: Transracial Adoption Voices Heart-to-Heart Recap

AFTH’s latest Heart-to-Heart event took place on Feb. 22. The virtual event was hosted by AFTH’s own Amanda Aliberti. The purpose of the Heart-to-Heart webinar was to spotlight different transracial voices of adoption. Three birth parents and one adoptee spoke about their experiences with transracial adoption, going over the highs and lows of the process. The panel included birth moms Se’Ayra and Sharmaine, birth father Samai and adoptee Christian.  

Adoption News: March 2024

Download PDF Articles Include: Considering a Non-Infant Adoption Placement National Social Work Month Talking to Your Child about Adoption & Keeping Open Adoption Promises Benefit of Adoptive Families Working with a Doula Spring Ed Series - registration open Adoption & Beyond Podcast Revamp & AFTHtv Season 15 New AFTH Support Groups Added: Single Adoptive Parents & [...]

Transracial Adoption Education and Resources

Navigating transracial adoption can be challenging. Some may simply not know where to start, how to become informed or even what there is to know. Whether you are considering transracial adoption, have experience with it or simply want to learn more, there are plenty of educational resources available.