What to Think About when Considering Transracial Adoption ?

In domestic infant adoption, it's safe to say that prospective adoptive parents will likely experience transracial adoption. If not themselves, someone they may know or meet during their adoption journey. In most cases, prospective adoptive parents say that they don't care about race or ethnicity. In reality, race and culture will matter, especially to the [...]

How to Indulge in Self-Care for the Adoption Triad

When was the last time you spent a day tending to your own needs and wellness? Do you hear the term self-care often but do not fully understand what it means? The term self-care refers to anything a person does to keep themselves healthy, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually. Society often expects us to help [...]

AFTH OnDemand Webinars: Your Journey to Adoption Education on Your Time

Our agency, Adoptions From The Heart (AFTH), offers OnDemand Webinars for Prospective Adoptive Parents, social workers, and healthcare professionals alike. Hosted on our website is a selection of 15 different webinars covering topics ranging from state-specific adoption laws to transracial adoption and positive adoption language. Prospective adoptive parents receive credit toward their adoption-education requirements for [...]

The Doyle Family Story

Michael and Marty officially began their adoption journey in the summer of 2013. Marty began by discussing the idea of adoption with Michael, letting him know that he was ready to adopt. The pair attended their first informational session at Adoptions From The Heart’s (AFTH) main office in Wynnewood, PA. They would begin the paperwork [...]

Birth Mother Reconnects with Adult Son She Placed for Adoption

Why Adoption? Caroline became pregnant during a difficult time in her life. She was already caring for her two young children, and then her mother passed away during the pregnancy. It was a time of loss and grief. Caroline remembers feeling lost and uncertain which way to turn. She didn’t have a close relationship with [...]

A Closer Look at Adoption: AFTH hosts second Heart-to-Heart with Birth Parents

Adoptions From The Heart (AFTH) is hosting our second Heart-to-Heart with Birth Parents event hosted by Adoption Counselor and Post-placement Services Manager, Amanda Aliberti and Birth Mother, SeAyra. Our event will feature a panel of birth mothers who have placed their children for adoption through our agency. Each birth parent will share their unique, touching [...]

Office Hosts Adoption Triad Reunion at Fun Forest Park in Chesapeake, VA!

AFTH adoption triads finally reunite in Virginia after an unprecedented year. Adoptee, Jonathan, embraces his birth mother Samantha The pandemic stopped many of our beloved traditions as families, friends, and even an adoption agency. To protect one another from sickness, we postponed or canceled gatherings, including our summer picnics. Adoptions From The Heart's [...]

Podcast 7: Birth Parent and Adoptee Searches and Reunions

July's Heart to Heart with Adoptions from the Heart podcast centers on Birth Parents and Adoptees searches and reuniting. Host Jenna Stocks interview Helen Schooler and Marilyn Rich on this topic. Helen Schooler is a retired Administrator of Orphans Court Services in Montgomery County. She still provides adoption search services as the court-designated authorized representative [...]