Adoptions From The Heart has helped to build beautiful families for 30 years. Stay current by following our news & announcements. Open, private agency.

AFTH Celebrates NY Families at The NY Family Picnic

On August 24th 2024, Adoptions From The Heart held the NY Family Picnic. In fact, since Covid-19 we've put a pause on the event and this was the first NY Family Picnic since 2 years. The event took place at Billy Johnson Playground located in Central Park. About 30 people including staff, consultants, and families [...]

Christmas In July: Gift Card Drive

Christmas is always a special time for a child, when it comes to opening new gifts under the tree. In reality, Christmas can also be a hard financial burden for those who are already struggling. There are many birth parents who are struggling to support themselves and the children they are raising. Every year at [...]

AFTH Launches New Adoption Therapy Center

Adoptions From The Heart has launched it's new therapy center, servicing all members of the adoption triad in Connecticut. Julia Ruggiero, LCSW is an adoption therapist and adoptee working with AFTH to offer clients adoption-competent therapy. In this post, Julia shares how adoption-competent therapy can help members of the adoption triad and the services that [...]

AFTH Celebrates Open Adoption at 34th Annual Family Picnic

Adoptions From The Heart staff and families enjoyed a day at the park this past Sunday to celebrate open adoption. AFTH hosted the 34th annual Family Picnic for families from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Some staff and family traveled over state lines to attend the event. Overall, more than 225 people attended the days [...]

AFTH New Jersey Office: New Location

We have some exciting news happening this month. The Adoptions From The Heart New Jersey office is moving to NEW LOCATION! If the last office location was convenient to you, do not worry, the new office is less than a mile away from the old location. Our phone number will continue to be the same, [...]

Adoptions From The Heart Family Picnics

We are excited to bring back our summer picnics! The Adoptions From The Heart Summer Picnics are back this year with the opportunity for families to come together in celebration of adoption. We encourage waiting families to attend the family picnics. If you are a placed family and inviting your child's birth family, please send [...]

2024 Find Their Footing Mile Walk Event Recap

Our Find Their Footing Mile Walk event was a great event that brought families together to walk for a great cause. This year we decided to switch things up and instead of doing our 5k we decided to do a mile walk. We also decided to have different pop up locations so that families from [...]

Adoptions From The Heart Board Member Highlights

We are proud to introduce the esteemed members of AFTH's board, each bringing a wealth of experience and passion to our cause. Together, this dynamic board stands united in our commitment to empower and uplift those we serve. Maxine Chalker President & Adoptee Maxine is the founder and president [...]

Heart-to-Heart with The Adoption Triad

To kick off National Adoption Month, we hosted our third virtual Heart-to-Heart event of the year!  The focus of this event was The Adoption Triad, and we were lucky enough to be joined by three complete triads willing to share their stories with our audience. Our first triad’s presenters were the birth mom, Michelle, adoptee [...]