adoption agency in Narbeth, PA near Narbeth Park

The information in this article is brought to you by the adoption agency in Narberth, PA, from AFTH. We hope you learn something new about the borough of Narberth, PA.


Part of the historic Pennsylvania Main Line, Narberth, is located on a small piece of land that originally belonged to Edward Rees, a Welshman who emigrated from Wales in 1682. The borough name changed to Narberth in 1893 after a share of the land was established as a Quaker-friendly town and was later incorporated in 1895.

Today, the Narbrook Park Historic District, which also goes by “Narberth Garden,” remains a park that includes 51 historical buildings that reflect the Colonial Revival and Bungalow-style craftsmanship that was ever so popular during the establishment of the town.


In 2000, the United States Census shared that there were an estimated amount of 4,233 individuals of those, 1,904 households and 1,037 families within Narberth. The racial diversity of the population was:

  • 95.23% White
  • 1.18% African American or Black
  • 0.12% Native American
  • 2.27% Asian
  • 1.39% Hispanic or Latino
  • 0.14% other races

To compare how the racial diversity has changed within a 10-year time change, we can look at the statistics that share:

  • 90.4% White
  • 1.9% African American or Black
  • 0.1% Native Hawaiian
  • 4.4% Asian
  • 2.4% Hispanic or Latino
  • 2.7% other races

Attractions & Entertainment

Narberth is known for its strong independent small businesses within its tight-knit community. A few popular small businesses that have been there for over a decade include Real Pizza, American Family Market, and The Cheese Company. Other small businesses continue to open up and thrive due to the ongoing community support system they have established.

The borough also has its own independent movie theater located in the heart of their downtown community, filled with boutiques, eateries, entertainment, and more. The Narberth Business Association also does what it can to help support the retail businesses by hosting community events and special festivals to honor the residents.

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Our Local Office

TheĀ Narberth adoption agency from Adoptions From The Heart has helped build more than 6,200 beautiful families. If you or someone you love is interested in receiving information about the adoption process, contact our compassionate adoption professionals today.