Kelso Museum Of Near Eastern Archaeology
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The Kelso Museum of Near Eastern Archeology has its foundation in a program of Near Eastern archeological field research that started in 1924, focusing on the Lands of the Bible, specifically modern-day Jordan, Israel, and West Bank.
Its exhibitions illustrate everyday life in ancient times, including landscape patterns and settlement patterns; domestic and group architecture; farming and food preparation; technology, arts, and stylistic traditions; trade; religious expression; and memory and writing systems.
Current Exhibits
At the museum, you can find five exhibitions spread throughout the museum, all with its unique structure and historical relevance.
Towns and Tombs: The Dead Sea Plain In The Early Bronze Age, explores life along the Dead Sea between the years 3300 and 2000 BCE.
Everyday Life In The Land Between 2000 BCE – 1000 CE, displays a wide variety of graphics and artifacts that explore the daily life of what is now Israel. The material showcases the dominant regions in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Mediterranean.
Words Made Visible exhibit examines the writing practices of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Canaan-Israel. The exhibition explains the history of the alphabet, and it expanded from supplanted cuneiform and hieroglyphs.
Tell Er Rumeith: An Outpost On The Incense Road is an exhibit that focuses on the Syrian border in northern Jordan, during a period of conflict between Israel, Aram, and Assyria.
A Photographic Memory: Ninety Years Of Archaeological Fieldwork At PTS showcases Juxtaposes archival photos and first-person accounts from the 1920s through the present to highlight developments in archeological practice and the worlds of politics and culture that archeologists handle.
Aside from all of the historical artifacts and teaching the museums holds, they are also a part of a multifaceted archaeology program that involved a current ongoing excavation at Tel Zayit in Israel. This also includes academic courses and lectures that are given by archaeologists in Pittsburgh.
Grab a bite to eat at one of our favorite cafes in Pittsburgh after spending time exploring the many exhibits at the museum.
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