park near adoption agency Pleasant Hills, PA

The information in this article is presented by the adoption agency in Pleasant Hills, PA, from Adoptions From The Heart. 

Pleasant Hills is special in that it is positioned in a developing region of Allegheny County, eight miles southeast of Pittsburgh, PA, with just less than three square miles of land within its borders. The borough sits between three borders, including Jefferson Hills to the southeast, Baldwin to the northwest, and West Mifflin to the northeast.


As of the census in 2010, the approximate population is around 8,000 people, with about 3,400 households and around 2,400 families residing in East Pittsburgh. The borough’s racial background consists of about 97% White, 1.31% African American, 1.07% Asian, and less than 1% Native American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and Latino.

Education System

Pleasant Hills is in the West Jefferson High School District, which is a suburban, midsize public school system that serves residents in Jefferson Hills, Pleasant Hills, and West Elizabeth. The West Jefferson School District ranked 50th out of 500 for Pennsylvania school districts in 2014 by the Pittsburgh Business Times for student academic achievement. The District also ranked 309th out of 500 for Overachievers Ranking from the Pittsburgh Business Times in 2014.

Schools that serve the community of Pleasant Hills, Jefferson Hills, and West Elizabeth are Thomas Jefferson High School that supports a strong academic core, Pleasant Hills Middle School, Jefferson Intermediate School, Gill Hall Elementary, and McClellan Elementary School.

Notable Landmarks

Bear’s Retreat is a Pennsylvania landmark that dates back to 1794, built by Jacob Bare. The three-story building was designated by Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation Historic Landmark in 1983 and continues to be an attraction to visit while in Pleasant Hills.

Our Local Office

Our caring professionals are ready to support potential adoptive parents, pregnant mothers, and their children from our Pleasant Hills, PA, adoption agency at AFTH. Our team can answer any questions you may have and can provide you with the knowledge that you and your family need to make the right decision.