Germantown, PA adoption agency near museums

This article is provided by the Germantown, PA, adoption agency from Adoptions From The Heart.

The Colored Girls Museum, located in the historic neighborhood of Germantown in Philadelphia, embodies the experiences and expressions of being a colored girl in history.

The Museum represents a memoir of the personal history of the colored girl herself and illustrates the meaning and significance of the African Diaspora. The Colored Girls Museum, (TCGM) goal is to provide museumgoers with real-life experiences, artifacts, and stories.

The Exhibits

Inside the Museums, you’ll find three stories of historical artifacts, painting, educational materials, visual setups, and more. All together, they tell a remarkable story of what it’s like living in the body of a black girl in America.

TCGM is portrayed by the work and personal objects of at least 50 artists and ordinary colored girls. They include the socially engaged ceramic artist Yinka Orafidiya’s body-celebrating pottery that celebrates the beautifully imperfect mold of the black female type, as well as pieces from Syreeta Scott’s art collection.

In the living room of the Museum, you’ll find a variety of self-portraits, photographs, and other pictures from local artists.


Experience the museum to its fullest by diving into all their exhibits, listening to guest speakers, and seeing staged rooms dedicated to preserving and honoring the girls of the past, present, and future.

The Museum is designed to provide guests with a salon styled-guided tour of the home going through each room as its own exhibition.

To schedule your visit, you must make an appointment to guarantee your spot on one of the curated tours.

For more historic places to visit, see our blog on Awbury Arboretum.

Our Local Office

If you are interested in learning more about the adoption process in the Philly area, Adoptions From The Heart is here to help. We provide a range of resources for prospective adoptive parents, pregnant women, and their babies. To know more, please contact our adoption agency in Germantown, PA