adoption agency in Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania near Heinz Memorial Plaza

This article is brought to you by the adoption agency in Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania, a part of Adoptions From The Heart. We hope you enjoy reading this article on Sharpsburg.

Located within Allegheny County, Sharpsburg is a borough only 5 miles away from Pittsburgh with a total area of 0.6 squares miles of both land and water. The borough borders five areas, including Etna, Shaler Township, O’Hara Township, Aspinwall, and Pittsburgh.


Statistics from the United States Census of 2000 stated that there was an estimated population of 3.594 people, 1,748 homes, with about 893 families living within Sharpsburg. Of the population, the racial diversity is broken down into the following:

  • 93.74% White
  • 3.81% Black or African American
  • 0.03% Native American
  • 0.06% Pacific Islander
  • 0.64% Asian
  • 2.11% Latino or Hispanic
  • 0.36% other race
  • 1.35% two or more races

The median household income of Sharpsburg was $22,828, and the average household family income was only a small amount, more at $30,500.


Sharpsburg has a long history extending back to the Seneca people who arrived in the region in the 18th century. Guyasuta, one of the Senecas, has a unique relationship with the area. He was selected by none of than George Washington himself due to his skilled hunting and warrior mentality. Guyasuta was a part of the battle at Grant’s Hill and later acquired peace with the British Army. Due to his efforts of protecting the land, a small portion of the river property, where Sharpsburg is now, was granted to Guyasuta by James O’Hara.

The H. J. Heinz Company was one of the most well-known enterprises that started in Sharpsburg. The Heinz glass factory in Sharpsburg used to make all of the Heinz glassware. In the kitchen of his Sharpsburg home, Heinz began making and bottling his first horseradish in 1869. The region also had a grinding factory, manufacturing facilities, and milling machines that created glass, timber goods, varnish, brick, oil, felt, and more.

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Our caring professionals are ready to support potential adoptive parents, pregnant mothers, and their children from ourĀ Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania adoption agency. Our team can answer any questions you may have and can provide you with the knowledge that you and your family need to make the right decision.