This article is sponsored by the adoption agency in Homestead at Adoptions From The Heart.
Located in Allegheny County, the borough of Homestead is southeast of downtown Pittsburgh and is known for its active role in the Homestead Strike of 1892, a critical point in history that fought for labor rights in America.
The borough is situated on the south bank of the Monongahela River and is where white settlers first arrived in the 1770s. Nearly a century later, local banks and landowners sold plots of land and hillsides to create the town of Homestead.
In 1881, a period of swift economic and structural growth works its way through the town, where the first iron mill was constructed, a railroad was built, and a glass factory was established. In 1892, Homestead turned into the center of attention nationally as the site where a violent strike broke out between hired private detectives and locked-out steelworkers, called the Homestead Strike.
The Homestead Strike stemmed from Henry Clay Frick, the manager for Andrew Carnegie and owner of the Homestead Steel Works, who announced he would reduce wages for his skilled steelworkers. This sparked an outrage amongst workers, causing the Carnegie management to lock out the workforce, stating the union would not be recognized at the steelworks anymore.
In order to end the strike, Frick ordered the Pinkerton National Detective Agency to the mill which ended with a day-long battle that resulted in several deaths and tons of injuries, ultimately ending the union in Homestead.
Whether you’re a local or perhaps a visitor, spend time exploring the Bost Building, a restored brick building that acted as the headquarters during the Homestead Strike. In 1999, the Bost Building was declared a National Landmark and is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The Carnegie Library is another historic building that acts not only as a public library but also as a concert hall and sports club.
Find more historically relevant articles on East Pittsburgh in our next article.
Our Local Office
Our caring professionals are ready to support potential adoptive parents, pregnant mothers, and their children from our Homestead adoption agency. Our team can answer any questions you may have and can provide you with the knowledge that you and your family need to make the right decision.