Our prospective adoptive families, much like others, tend to get nervous about the home study process. You think of home study, and in your head, you picture this random person coming into your home, lifting pillows, rummaging through your fridge, and swiping your windows for dust bunnies. When in reality, a home study is much different from that.

Director of Social Services at Adoptions From The Heart, Jenna Stocks, recently sat down with porch.com for a discussion on adoption home studies and how to prepare for a successful one. Together, they created a guide to walk prospective adoptive parents, like yourself, through the whole process before yours even starts. 

Read the full article here :


Having to have discussions with a total stranger about your whole life can be a bit frightening and nerve-racking, to say the least. Hopefully, this guide can help ease some of the stresses and answer some of the questions you may have regarding your own.

For more information on the home study services provided by Adoptions From The Heart, click here: https://afth.org/looking-to-adopt/.