Adoptions From The Heart is an Adoption Agency and in no way, medical professionals. Please consult with your child’s pediatrician to determine a safe plan.

By now, we all are aware of the formula shortage that is sweeping the nation by storm. Worried parents all over are seeking answers and resolutions to the ongoing questions “How do I go about feeding my infant, if the shelves are empty?”  “Will I have enough formula to last me?” Back in February, Abbott Nutrition (the largest infant formula manufacturer in the country) voluntarily issued a recall on several of its powdered formulas following the fatality of two infants and the ill falling of two infants. 

Over the last few months, there have been talks about the government’s effort to address the shortfall in infant formula production options. However, we at Adoptions From The Heart understand that, as parents, you need solutions now. We have pulled together some hints and tips that have been circulating about how to help offset this shortage and we hope it might help relieve even the slightest amount of stress. 

Consult with your pediatrician to see if there are other brands/types you can substitute for the regular formula, including generic brands.

 Doctors suggest baby formulas based on need. There may be certain allergens or illnesses that your baby may have, such as lack of iron, that require the baby to have a formula with an iron nutrient. Another thing to consider is the fact that, amid switching formulas, sometimes infants have different reactions to the switch. For most, it’s minor effects like a change in bowel movements, gas, etc. However, in more severe cases, some babies may experience allergic reactions or worse. Pediatricians should always be made aware. 

It’s recommended parents don’t try to make their formula or switch formulas without checking with the pediatrician first.  

Lots of parents are doing what parents do, trying their best to make sure their babies are happy, fed, and healthy by all means. However, seeing the bottom of the can peek through the formula when you haven’t been able to find a store that carries it can be extremely stressful and scary.


  • NEVER Dilute or mix the formula to make it stretch: All formula recipes should be followed as instructed to ensure the baby gets all the necessary nutrients.
  • Homemade Formula: We have seen circulating DIY formula recipes said to be “Safe” for babies to consume but in reality, some of them could be doing more harm than good. Always check with your pediatrician before feeding your child homemade formula.

Some Temporary Solutions:

  • Real Dairy and Plant-Based Milk: If your child drinks regular formula and is 6 months or older, whole milk should be okay for a few feedings WITH the addition of nutrient-rich foods. No more than 24 ounces a day. However, whole milk should not be a long-term solution. Talk to your physician about daily intake and vitamin supplements if needed. Soy Milk is a readily available option if the infant is nearing 12 months old. But again, because plant-based milk lacks fat/protein, they are not long-term solutions. 
  • Toddler Formula: If your baby is close to 12 months old, toddler formula may be alright for a few feedings, but please consult your child’s physician.

Check local/neighborhood social media sites, like Facebook community pages, for people selling or “giving away” unused or extra formula. (We do not recommend buying anything)

You are not the only parent experiencing this frightening crisis. This is where the community comes in. There have already been parents, joining forces to share information about places they’ve successfully landed formula and it may be helpful for you to join these groups. They have been dropping valuable information and tips on what’s been working such as: 

  • Check for online purchase sites: (Amazon, Walmart, Costco)
      • Some parents have found the formula they needed by using Amazon’s Canadian and UK sites which will still ship to the United States.
  • Checking pharmacies and smaller grocery/convenience stores

Parenthood is already stressful and can be scary for anyone, whether a birth parent or adoptive parent. Adoptions From The Heart will do our best to continue to update you on this evolving formula shortage. Please feel free to comment below and share with other parents if you have been successful in finding the formula you need in other ways.

For more information on the government’s efforts, visit To speak with someone at the agency with questions or concerns, visit or message us on social media!