adoption center in Green Tree, PA near Wilson Park

Have you ever visited Green Tree? Learn about the area with help from the adoption center in Green Tree, PA, from Adoptions From The Heart, who have kindly sponsored this article.

Located within Allegheny County, Green Tree is a borough with a small population of about 4,432 based on the United States census of 2010. The borough has a total area of 2.1 square miles of all land and is bordered by six communities, Westwood, Oakwood, East Carnegie, Ridgemont, Banksville, and Scott Township. Both 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul and actor Zachary Quinto are native to Pittsburgh and often spend time in their hometown.


The region, which was settled in 1793, remained agricultural until the late 1800s, with paintings depicting fields and a vineyard and the Green Tree Hotel within the area inspired the community’s name. In 1904, Rook Station opened, signaling the beginning of the area’s industrialization and the establishment of a railroad yard and roundhouse.


The census of 2000 stated that Green Tree had a total population of 4,719 individuals with 1,974 households and 1,383 families within the borough. The population density was 2,247.7 people per square mile, and the housing units’ average density with 2,024 houses was 965 per square mile.

Of the 1,974 households, about 60% were comprised of married couples, 24.2% had children under 18 years of age, 6.8% had a female head of household with no male, 29.9% were not related living under the same roof.

Of the population, the racial diversity was as follows:

  • 96.21% White
  • 0.53% African American or Black
  • 1.95% Asian
  • 0.66% Hispanic or Latino

Of the white population, a percentage of it can be further broken down:

  • 20.5% Irish
  • 22% German
  • 16.4% Italian
  • 8.9% Polish
  • 7.8% English

The median household income from the same census states that it was about $54,159, and for families, it was slightly more at $63,814.

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Our Local Office

Our caring professionals are ready to support potential adoptive parents, pregnant mothers, and their children from our Green Tree, PA, adoption center at AFTH. Our team can answer any questions you may have and can provide you with the knowledge that you and your family need to make the right decision.