What Prospective Adoptive Parents Will Learn In AFTH’s Education Course

If you are entering the adoption journey, a great place to start is by taking Adoption From The Heart’s Education I Course. This course is for first time prospective adoptive parents, who are required to take a series of courses throughout the adoption process

Prospective adoptive parents come together for an informal, seven hour seminar, which will review all the facets of domestic infant adoption. A licensed AFTH social worker, candidly discusses the pros and cons of open adoption, core issues in adoption and what parents can expect throughout the journey of adoption; as well as how to navigate through an array of circumstances that may arise. Guests will also participate in exercises and activities that will allow them to have a deeper understanding of the adoption triad, adoption across racial lines and much more.

This course will also debunk any myths associated with adoption, while addressing any preconceived notions guests may have had prior to beginning the adoption journey.

Participants will also have the opportunity to meet a birth mother – you will learn why she decided to make an adoption plan, what she looked for in prospective adoptive parents’ profiles and her relationship with the adoptive parents post-adoption. Prospective parents also use this time to ask birth mothers any questions they may have.

AFTH is a leader among adoption agencies throughout the east coast. With eight offices in six different states, including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Connecticut and Virginia, participants will get detailed information on adoption laws in each one of these states. You will also learn laws and what to expect when you are adopting a child from another state.

Ultimately, AFTH’s purpose is to educate prospective adoptive parents to make the best decisions during their journey to parenthood.