For those worried or scared about the new US policy reversals and changes, we want to assure you that Adoptions From The Heart will continue to stand behind our core values of C.H.O.I.C.E.S.
- Communication – Listen well, be clear, respectful and inspiring
- Honesty – Be truthful and sincere
- Opportunity – Opportunity for growth and development
- Integrity – Make decisions that are consistent with the agency mission
- Creativity – Use imagination to transcend traditional ideas and create meaningful new ideas
- Equality – Treat all clients, employees, and their families with respect and dignity regardless of race, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, income level or title.
- Support – Support people’s choices regarding family planning.
We have support groups for LGBTQ+ families that we encourage families to join as we navigate new and proposed laws.
We will continue to respect and use pronouns for families looking to place children and those waiting to adopt.
We will continue to be supportive and non-judgmental toward families seeking to place children for adoption and offer no-pressure options.
We will be looking for resources to provide educational information to answer immigration questions for those who have adopted internationally and are worried about their children’s immigration status.
We will continue to educate families who are adopting transracially to be more prepared to navigate this changing culture while raising a child of a different race.
We will continue to encourage families of color to adopt to be able to provide choices of diverse families to expectant parents considering adoption.