adoption center in Behind The Rocks, CT near Rocky Ridge Park

The adoption center in Behind The Rocks, CT, from Adoptions From The Heart, has sponsored this article for your enjoyment.

Behind the Rocks is a mostly residential area in Hartford’s southwest corner, just below Parkville and on the outskirts of West Hartford. It was named after the rocky edge of the Trinity College campus on the west boundary.

The Rocky Hill Quarry, on what is now known as Rocky Ridge, manufactured trap rock in the 1890s, which was largely utilized for road construction. Irish immigrants were responsible for a large portion of the labor, including the establishment of the original St. Lawrence O’Toole Church was built in 1876 to fulfill the requirements of the neighborhood. In 1912, the Rocke Hill Quarry was redesigned as a park and today is known as the Thomas Hyland Memorial Park that provides residents with playgrounds, sports fields, and grassy areas to enjoy.

20th Century

In the early 1900s, Behind The Rocks had a housing boom that caused tons of construction companies to build factories in order to keep up with the demand. Houses were built mostly along Zion Street and Hillside Avenue due to its proximately to factories and businesses for an easy worker commute. Over the course of merely seven months, a whopping 90 Queen Elizabeth-style homes were developed and sold to workers.

Local Businesses & Activities

Behind The Rocks is home to a variety of small local businesses and fun-family entertainment for their residents and visitors. The Park River Greenway trail, built in 2008, is a favorite amongst locals. The recreational facility is located on Brookfield Street and connects to the famous East Coast Greenway. The East Coast Greenway is a 3,000-mile trail that connects major cities along the Atlantic coast.

The neighborhood is also home to the following prominent places:

  • Breakthrough Magnet School
  • A.I. Prince Technical High School
  • The Job Corps Academy
  • The Hartford Housing Authority headquarters

Find more interesting blog posts on local areas within Hartford in our upcoming article: Learn About The Upper Albany Historic District

Our Local Office

Are you considering adoption, and would you like to learn more? Our Behind The Rocks, Connecticut, adoption center at Adoptions From The Heart is ready to answer any questions you may have. Contact our adoption professionals to learn more.