About AFTH Marketing

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So far AFTH Marketing has created 609 blog entries.

Birth Fathers and Open Adoption

There is an abundance of information for birth mothers about open adoption, the process, and the role that they will play. For birth fathers, although they are equally important, it can be harder to find information about the role they play throughout the adoption process and after their child has been adopted. The role of [...]

AFTH Domestic Violence Birthparent Workshop

On February 28th Adoptions From the Heart hosted a virtual birthparent workshop that touched on the topics of Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence. Free for Birth Parents to attend via Zoom, the workshop went over many topics of discussion. These include: Learning how to identify typical characteristics of an abusive relationship. Learning how to [...]

Learn About Open Adoption Before Ever Approaching An Agency

Although Adoptions From The Heart provides options services, approaching the agency is often out of the question for some. Whether it be fear or uncertainty, we understand that only some are ready to approach open adoption in the literal sense. Understanding that, we have compiled a list of ways to learn more about open adoption. [...]

Random Acts of Kindness Day

This Friday, February 17th, is random acts of kindness day, designated to appreciate and encourage Random Acts of Kindness. On this day, there are many things you can do to participate, such as paying for the person behind you in the coffee line or leaving kind notes for the people around you. However, here are [...]

Diving Into 5 Of Our Favorite Education Podcast Episodes

  If you know Adoptions From The Heart(AFTH), then you know that education is among our top priorities regarding the clients and families we serve. In doing so, we've created platforms where we create content with and for our clients, discussing every part of adoption planning and its process. In the last few years, our [...]

Simone Biles: An Olympic Adoptee

What comes to mind when you hear the name “Simone Biles”? Inspirational, hard-working, competitive, and Olympian are just a few words that you may think of. At just 25 years of age, Simone has won 30 Olympic medals (mostly gold), is currently tied with Shannon Miller for the most medals won by an American gymnast, [...]

Adoptions From The Heart: Official 2022 Recap!

2022 brought along so many exciting new chapters for Adoptions From The Heart. To name a few, in just one year, we've: Launched New Education Webinars   Established New Workshops and Support Groups for our clients  Made new relationships with influencers and professionals Featured extraordinary guests on AFTHtv and A Heart-To-Heart Podcast And so much more! [...]

Giving Tuesday 2022 with Adoptions From The Heart

Join Giving Tuesday 2022 with Adoptions From The Heart! As a professional adoption agency dedicated to open adoption for 37 years, our mission is to provide safe, supportive, and loving homes and quality comprehensive services to adoptive families, birth parents, and children.   We are looking forward to increasing our fundraising goal by 50% and [...]

Heart-to-Heart with Adoption Influencers Event Recap

This past Thursday, November 17, 2022, Adoptions From The heart hosted our very first Heart-to-Heart with Adoption Influencers event. It was an incredible night getting to hear from all our panelists and getting to meet and hear from our amazing AFTH Family! During this LIVE conversation, we were joined by adoptees and Birth Parents as they shared [...]