adoption center in Avalon, PA near community park

The information in this article is brought to you by the adoption center in Avalon, PA from Adoptions From The Heart.

Located within Allegheny County, Avalon is a borough that’s is comprised of mostly residential areas and a few shopping centers. Avalon is surrounded by four communities, Ben Avon Heights, Bellevue, Ben Avon, and Kilbuck Township. Avalon is located across the Ohio River to the south, near the eastern edge of Neville Island and the Davis Island Lock and Dam Site, which is recognized as being a part of Avalon.


In 1894, a group of almost 30 landowners came together in hope of separating Kilbuck Township and establishing a new borough. Noah Shafer was the first to write the petition for the Court of Quarter Sessions of Pennsylvania asking to split the township. The organization was informed that it needed to have an election first so that officials from the petitioning body could submit the incorporation request. On December 26, 1874, the first election was conducted and  James Semple was the first townsman of the borough, a role he held three times. Eventually, the petition was approved and the borough was named Avalon, meaning the “land of apples” due to the number of orchards within the area.


The United States Census of 2000 shared that there were 5,294 individuals, 2,629 households and 1,282 families that resided within Avalon. Of the population, the racial makeup can be divided into groups including:

  • 83% White
  • 5% African American or Black
  • 0.09% Native American
  • 0.45% Asian
  • 0.59% Hispanic or Latino
  • 0.02% Pacific Islander
  • 0.15% other races
  • 1.40% two or more races

The median household income for Avalon was $29,236 and for families, it was over $10,000 more at $41,327. Of the 2,629 households, about 19% had children living in the home under the age of 18, about 34% were married couples, 11% had a female head of household with no male present and 51% were individuals living together that were not related.

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Did you know more than 18,000 children are adopted in the United States each year through domestic adoption? AFTH is proud to have helped hundreds of families grow through adoption and are happy to answer any questions from individuals considering adoption. Contact our Avalon, Pennsylvania adoption center, to learn more today.