Event Recap: Find Their Footing 5k

Why does AFTH run in support of expecting Birth Parents?” Rain or shine Adoptions From The Heart came out in full swing for our annual Find Their Footing 5k on May 7th. The cause was a noble one with the intent to raise funds to help men and women struggling financially before, during, and after [...]

Sponsorship Announcement: Thank You Justice Guardians!

Adoptions From The Heart (AFTH) is proud to announce Justice Guardians as one of our main sponsors of this year's Find Their Footing 5K, which will take place in Philadelphia, PA on May 7th, 2022, at the Schuylkill River Trail (ST. JOSEPH'S BOATHOUSE), from 10 am - 12 pm EST.  Justice guardians is a personal injury law [...]

Celebrating Mother’s and Birthmother’s Day

As mothers all around the globe prepare for their special day, it's important to remember the moms whose Mother's day may look a little different each year. Mother's Day is, typically, a day dedicated to the matriarch of a family (Biological or Adoptive Mother). On this day, children share photos, and stories, extend acts of [...]

Adoptions From The Heart Birthparent Workshop Recap

  As part of our goal to continue supporting expecting and birth parents, Adoptions From The Heart has partnered with some extraordinary individuals in order to help continue the healing process for our clients. In this workshop recap, you will begin to dive into some of the previous workshops that we’ve had the opportunity to [...]

Adoptions From The Heart Family Picnics are Back!

We are so excited to have finally be back in person at our Family Picnic this summer after two years of canceling our picnics. We thank you for allowing us to be a part of bringing your family together. Join the AFTH staff and families (both domestic and international) as we celebrate families brought together by [...]

What Is Post Adoption Depression Syndrome

Adoptions From The Heart recently released an episode of AFTHtv, sitting down with an adoptive mother to discuss her experience with Post Adoption Depression Syndrome (PADS), also known as "Baby Blues." PADS is a term that acknowledges how Adoptive Parents can also experience a short-lived depression after placement of an adopted child. Just as some [...]

Signs and Tips to Prevent Social Worker Burnout

Adoption social workers have an extra layer, if you will, of responsibility that people don't see often. You think adoption, and most conclude the workday as they meet with pregnant women, make an adoption plan, and the hard part is over. In a utopia, maybe. In the real world, the field of social work consists [...]