Black Culture and Transracial Adoption

Black History Month has arrived and being fully educated on African American culture can be difficult. We at Adoptions From The Heart want to seize the opportunity to build on the cultural competency of our community. Specifically, our transracial adoptive parents raising or looking to raise a Black child.   Addressing Questions & Differences Some [...]

AFTH’s Stance

For those worried or scared about the new US policy reversals and changes, we want to assure you that Adoptions From The Heart will continue to stand behind our core values of C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Communication – Listen well, be clear, respectful and inspiring Honesty – Be truthful and sincere Opportunity – Opportunity for growth and development [...]

Thinking About Adoption in 2025?

Thinking About Adoption? Are you thinking about adoption in 2025?  It is important to learn as much as you can about the different types of adoptions and choose the best option for you.   What is Open Adoption?   Open adoption is the idea of an adoption triad, meaning that the birth parents, adoptive parents, and the [...]

Navigating The Unexpected: Morgan’s Path to Open Adoption

When Morgan stepped into the hospital, she found herself in labor, completely unaware she was pregnant. While faced with the decision to parent her son, Morgan found strength, guidance, and support from Adoptions From The Heart (AFTH), alongside the hospital staff. Her journey went from fear, uncertainty, and confusion to a place of hope and [...]

Meet Nicole Fowler: National Adoption Month Series

This week, our public relations intern sat down with Nicole Fowler, Adoptions From The Heart’s Director of Social Services. Fowler takes on many roles with AFTH, and in her personal life, she is also a foster mother. Below is a look at the Q-&-A style conversation that begins our National Adoption Month blog series.     [...]

Navigating the Adoption Journey: Understanding Adoption Therapy

Adoption is a lifelong journey that deeply impacts all members of the adoption triad—adoptees, adoptive parents, and birth parents—in unique ways. At Adoptions From The Heart, we recognize the complexities involved and are committed to providing specialized therapeutic services to support everyone experiencing adoption.  What Is Adoption Therapy?  Adoption therapy is a specialized form of [...]

Maxine Chalker: A Trailblazer in Adoption

For almost forty years, Adoptions From The Heart (AFTH) has been dedicated to changing the face of adoption, in hopes of better serving the needs of women, children, and families. The woman behind this mission is Maxine Chalker, LSW/MSW. Chalker has personal ties to adoption, as she herself is an adoptee. Not knowing much about [...]

Child Protective Services and Adoption

This article was written by Christopher Peszka, MSW/LSW, AFTH's District Supervisor.  There are occasions when private licensed adoption agencies and public child protection service (CPS) agencies are both involved in working with expectant and birth parents who are considering adoption. There could be several reasons for both private and public agency involvement. Some expecting and [...]

AFTH Launches New Adoption Therapy Center

Adoptions From The Heart has launched it's new therapy center, servicing all members of the adoption triad in Connecticut. Julia Ruggiero, LCSW is an adoption therapist and adoptee working with AFTH to offer clients adoption-competent therapy. In this post, Julia shares how adoption-competent therapy can help members of the adoption triad and the services that [...]

Considering Adoption During National Infertility Awareness Week

April 21-27 is National Infertility Awareness Week. This week is all about making people aware of infertility, supporting those who have experienced it and educating others about the topic. This year, AFTH wants to take time to highlight a story of infertility within the adoption community and how open adoption ended up playing a part in the family’s story.