Parenting A Child: Questions For Pregnant Women

If you are currently pregnant, and questioning your readiness to parent a child, you may feel overwhelmed by the situation. That's okay; few events in life are more loaded with emotion and difficulty than bearing a child and becoming a successful parent. An unplanned pregnancy can throw the future into doubt, as you're presented with [...]

Dealing With Infertility

Facts About Infertility If you are facing infertility, the first thing to know is that you aren’t alone. An estimated 3-7% of the world population has "an unresolved problem of infertility" according to the British Journal of General Practice. While that may seem like a small number, it actually represents around 505 million people! Closer [...]

Best Blogs For Expectant Parents Considering Adoption

One of our commitments here at Adoptions From The Heart is to create communities, safe spaces in which expectant parents, adoptive parents, and adoption professionals can come together and share their experiences. It is our belief that every voice in the adoption conversation deserves amplification, that no viewpoint should be silenced and every opinion should [...]

Famous Adoptees: Changing The World

Adoptees change the world every day. In this article, we'll highlight the achievements of three revolutionary people, all of whom just happen to have been adopted. Babe Ruth George Herman Ruth, Jr., the man who would come to be known by many epithets, including "Babe," "the Bambino," and "the Sultan of Swat," was born during [...]

Our 2nd Annual Find Her Footing 5K: April 6, 2014

Here at Adoptions From The Heart, we believe that building strength within the adoption community is one of our most important duties. That's why we organize so many public events, from the regularly held educational seminar series to our support groups for adoptive families. Our events are designed as a safe space for expectant and [...]

How Do You Know When You’re Ready To Parent?

Becoming a parent means accepting an incredible amount of responsibility. "Accepting" is the keyword here, and it's importance can't be overemphasized. Parenting should be a choice, not a situation into which you are forced by circumstance. We've put together this article specifically for expectant mothers questioning their readiness. But the information here is only a [...]

Welcome To Our New Site!

Adoptions From The Heart, a pioneer in the field of open adoptions, has been dedicated to building beautiful families since 1985. Over the past 30 years, we've facilitated more than 6,200 domestic and international adoptions. As an organization, we've grown considerably and now have 10 office locations on the East Coast! After all that, we [...]