Why Is Finding A Licensed Adoption Agency Important?

As in many professions, adoption agencies need to be licensed to provide their services. Agencies are licensed by the state where they operate, usually by a state Department of Health & Human Services. Lots of people who provide adoption-related services, like facilitators and online matching companies, aren't licensed. They don't have to go through a state government's [...]

What Is Domestic Adoption?

[message_box]Domestic adoption is a process in which parents from the US adopt a child born in the US. It's contrasted to international adoption, in which parents from one country adopt a child who was born in another country.[/message_box] Choosing to adopt a child is a huge decision. But it's actually only the first in a [...]

Waiting Is The Hardest Part: 5 Ideas For Prospective Adoptive Parents

Once you've decided on a path to adoption, you'll be thrown into a flurry of activity. Preparing for your home study, keeping appointments with your social worker and filling out papers; there's lots to do in the beginning. You might even start to think that the adoption process is going to keep you busy forever. At least [...]

What’s The Difference Between Foster Care And Adoption?

Fostering and adopting a child are both options that can offer children loving homes. Foster Care & Adoption: 2 Differences & 2 Similarities There are significant differences between these two situations, both legal and practical. We'll cover 2 of the biggest differences and similarities here. 1. Adoption Is Forever, Foster Children Often Reunite With Their Birth Parents Children [...]

More to Love: The Joys of Adopting Multiple Children at One Time

Some families want to adopt more than one child at a time. For prospective adoptive parents, this can be challenging, however. Here’s what to expect and how to prepare for the process. Do You Qualify To Be An Adoptive Parent? You may be excited about becoming a prospective adoptive parent, but adopting multiple waiting children [...]

It’s Never Too Late: Top Tips for Older People Who Want to Adopt

If you and your spouse are older, you might think that you’re too old to adoptive parents. That’s not true, however. Here are some tips and information to help you through the process. Rely On Your Experience If you’re a parent to older children who have moved out of the home, you’ve already been down [...]

A Loving Evolution: The History of the Adoption Triad in America

The adoption process is more than just the legal process of transferring guardianship from the birth parents to the adoptive parents. It is the creation or expansion of a family. Traditional definitions of a family almost always include just the birth parents. Today, that definition has expanded to include adoptive parents, creating an adoption triad. [...]

For Adoptive Parents: Sage Advice for When Your Baby Becomes a Teenager

It is common for tweens and teens to sometimes suffer from an identity crisis, which may trigger adoptees to want to learn even more about their biological roots. Here’s some ideas on how you can help them through this difficult time as they discover the special person they truly are becoming. Talk Openly About Everything [...]