scholarship fund

Birth Parent Scholarship Fund

AFTH wants to help birth parents get on their feet and establish a career. AFTH founded a scholarship program to help. Educational scholarships are available for parents who have placed their child for adoption.
Educational scholarships can be used for trade schools, undergraduate studies or for graduate studies at a university. Payments may be made directly to the schools or to the individual depending on circumstances.

Twice a year, the AFTH board meets to review scholarship applications received from birth parents for the fall and spring semesters and chooses the winning scholarship applications. Unfortunately, we are not able to help every applicant with a scholarship. But we want to help as many as we can and that’s where you come in!

Consider donating toward the birth parent scholarship fund to help birth parents establish careers.

Donate Online by credit card through PayPal’s secure server

Please make sure you designate the funds for the Scholarship FundAdoptions From The Heart provides a broad network of programs and services, which would not be possible without the support of our loyal donors.  Thank you!

Adoptions From The Heart is a registered, 501 C-3 charitable organization. In accordance with PA law, we are required to advise you that a copy of our official registration and financial information may be obtained from either the PA Department of State by calling, toll-free within PA, (800) 732-0999, or the state of NJ by calling (973) 504-6215. A copy of our official registration and financial information may be obtained from the state of NY upon written request to the Office of the Attorney General. Department of Law, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271. A financial statement is available upon written request from the VA State of Office of Consumer Affairs, (800) 552-9963.