adoption center in Pleasant Hills, PA near arboretum

Adoptions From The Heart has kindly sponsored this article for the entertainment of their visitors. Our adoption center in Pleasant Hills, PA is pleased to provide you with these interesting blog posts on the surrounding areas of our local office, and hope you learn something new.

The borough of Pleasant Hills is located within Allegheny County and is considered a suburb of Pittsburgh. The surrounding communities of Pleasant Hills include Baldwin, West Mifflin, and Jefferson Hills and with the borders only making up about 2.78 square miles of land.


The United States Census has provided us with statistics on the population in 2000 with there being about 8.397 individuals, with 3,422 households and 2,405 families that resided within Pleasant Hills. The population density of the area was about 3,084.8 individuals per square mile and the average housing density was about 1,312.2 per square mile.

The racial diversity of the borough consists of the following statistics:

  • 97.05% White
  • 1.31% African American or Black
  • 0.05% Native American
  • 1.07% Asian
  • 0.01% Pacific Islander
  • 0.36% Hispanic or Latino
  • 0.14% other races

Education System

West Jefferson Hill School District serves the borough of Pleasant Hills but also West Elizabeth, Jefferson Hills, and Finleyville with the school district borders of about 20 square miles. In 2014, the Pittsburgh Business Times ranked West Jefferson Hills School District 50th out of 500 Pennsylvania school districts for student academic success. The PSSAs for math, reading, writing, and science were used to determine the ranking, which was based on student academic performance during the previous three years.

With ranking being so high, it’s not a surprise that in 2012, the West Jefferson Hills School District had a graduation rate at 96%, following the standard 4-year graduation timeline for high school students.

If you’re looking for a borough to settle down and start a family, Pleasant Hills is the place to go!

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Our Local Office

Did you know more than 18,000 children are adopted in the United States each year through domestic adoption? AFTH is proud to have helped hundreds of families grow through adoption and are happy to answer any questions from individuals considering adoption. Contact our Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania adoption center, to learn more today.