adoption center in West Mifflin, PA near Kennywood Park

The information in this article is brought to you by the adoption center in West Mifflin, PA from Adoptions From The Heart.

Found southeast of downtown Pittsburgh, the borough of West Mifflin is mostly a residential area but is also known as the home of one of the oldest amusements parks in America, Kennywood Park. The borough was interestingly named after Thomas Mifflin, an American soldier, and politician as well as the 1st Governor of Pennsylvania who also signed the United States Constitution.


The Census of 2000 shared that there was an estimated population of 22,464 individuals, with 9.509 households and 6,475 families that resided within West Mifflin. The population density of the area was about 1,586.2 people per square mile with 9,966 houses with an average density of 703,7 per square mile.

Of the population, the racial diversity was made up of the following statistics:

  • 89.64% White
  • 8.85% African American or Black
  • 0.12% Native American
  • 0.25% Asian
  • 0.06% Pacific Islander
  • 0.57% Hispanic or Latino
  • 0.84% two or more races

Of the 9.509 households, about 26% had children residing under the age of 18, 50% being married couples, 13% with a female head of household, 31% were people living in the household that were not related. The median household income was about $36,130 and the median family household income was more at $46,192. Similar to the 10k difference between household and family household incomes, the same goes for females verse males. Female median income was about $26,629 with males being about 10k more with the median income being about $36,984.


West Mifflin is home to eleven schools with 5 being public schools and 4 being private schools. Of the schools within West Mifflin and on the outskirts, there are:

  • 6 elementary schools
  • 4 middle schools
  • 2 high school
  • 13 preschools

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Our Local Office

Our caring professionals are ready to support potential adoptive parents, pregnant mothers, and their children from ourĀ West Mifflin, Pennsylvania adoption center. Our team can answer any questions you may have and can provide you with the knowledge that you and your family need to make the right decision.