National Adoption Month is a time to raise awareness and promote the adoption of children in need of loving homes. It’s a time to highlight and educate about the diversity and unique needs of adoptees, including those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. According to studies, at least 5 to 10 percent of adoptees identify as LGBTQ+. This National Adoption Month, we want to highlight how adoptive parents and caregivers can support and empower their LGBTQ+ children.

Educate Yourself

One of the first steps in supporting LGBTQ+ youth is educating yourself about their experiences, challenges, and needs. This includes learning LGBTQ+ terms, understanding their unique issues, and empathizing with their experiences. By taking the time to educate yourself, you’ll be better equipped to provide meaningful support and guidance. Books, documentaries, and online resources can help you gain a deeper understanding of the LGBTQ+ community.

Open Communication

Creating a safe and open space for your child to express themselves is essential. Please encourage them to discuss their concerns, feelings, and expressions without fear of judgment or rejection. Listen actively and empathetically without rushing to “fix” everything. Sometimes, being there to lend a supportive ear can make a difference.

Advocate for Your Child

Your role as a parent or caregiver includes advocating for your child within your family, school, and community. Ensure that your child is treated fairly and with respect. Support their rights and encourage them to be true to themselves without fear of discrimination or prejudice. Advocate for inclusive policies and environments that promote diversity and acceptance.

Address Bullying and Discrimination

Teaching your child how to handle discrimination and bullying is crucial. Help them develop strategies to cope with challenging situations, and make sure they know they can seek help when needed. Encourage them to report any incidents of discrimination or harassment so that the appropriate actions can be taken to protect their well-being.

Provide Resources

Find books, support groups, and organizations to help your child connect with peers and role models who share their identity. These resources can provide comfort and strength for your child as they navigate their unique journey.

Build a Supportive Network

Connecting with other parents of LGBTQ+ youth can be incredibly valuable. Sharing experiences, gaining advice, and offering support to one another can help you navigate the challenges and celebrate the successes of raising LGBTQ+ adoptees. Joining local or online support groups can provide a sense of community and belonging.

Mental Health Awareness

LGBTQ+ youth often face unique mental health challenges related to the stigma and discrimination they may encounter. Be aware of these challenges and proactively seek professional help if needed. Mental health support and therapy can make a significant difference in your child’s well-being.

Encourage Self-Expression

Encourage your child to express themselves through clothing, hairstyles, and interests that reflect their true self. Supporting their self-expression helps boost their confidence and self-esteem. Remember that self-identity is a crucial part of their journey, and it’s important to nurture it.

National Adoption Month is a reminder that every child deserves love, acceptance, and support. By taking these steps to support your LGBTQ+ adoptee, you are not only helping them thrive but also contributing to a more inclusive and understanding world.