There are SO many adoptive parent bloggers out there! With all of these powerful voices in the adoptive parent community, we have no choice but to put together a part II list of bloggers we love. So here they are!

Transracial Adoption

Part of Me

“Part of Me” is a lifestyle and family blog run by Lissa Anglin, the matriarch of three children. Lissa and her husband are the proud parents of two children born biologically, and one whom they adopted from China last year.

White Sugar Brown Sugar

Rachel Garlinghouse writes about her adventures in parenting in her hit blog “White Sugar Brown Sugar.” Rachel and her husband have adopted four children transracially. All of her children have an open relationship with their birth families, as do her and her spouse.  Rachel proudly states on her blog, “We have four open adoptions.  No family tree here.  It’s an orchard, people.”  Rachel has shared her experiences on adopting with respected news sources such as Huffington Post, CNN, NPR, Essence, Babble, Yahoo News and more!

Ordinary Miracles & The Crazy 10!

There is no shortage of love in the household of this family of 10 residing in the Arizona desert. Nancy and her husband are parents to four biological children and three through adoption. Her children range in age from four to 18 years-old. International, transracial, and adopting children with special needs are a few of the topics she covers.

Mix and Match Mama

Shay Shull is a cookbook author, travel agency owner, and above all a loving mother of four. Shay and her husband have two biological children and two children they adopted from China. Adoption is a near and dear topic to Shay that she includes on her lifestyle blog.

Single-Parent Adoption

Leah Campbell Writes

Ok, so Leah is not a blogger per se but she is a fellow adoptive parent who has written some great pieces about her experience with adopting. The established writer from Alaska became a mother in 2013 via adoption. Leah’s articles on adoption and her experience with infertility have been picked up by news sites like “Glamour and Babble.” The links to all her work are available on her professional website.

Suddenly Mummy

A single mother covers her journey of becoming a mom via adoption to her two children. The “mummy” blogs about everything that is going on in the world of child adoptions today.

Adoptive Parents of Children with Special Needs

Our Path Less Traveled

Jess is a midwestern mom of five. Her youngest child was adopted and has Down Syndrome. Jess uses this blog as an outlet to talk about family life, adoption, Down Syndrome awareness, DIY, and healthy living.

Advocates of Open Adoption

Lavender Luz

Lori Holden is a writer, blogger and most importantly a wife and mother of two via adoption. Both of her children are growing up in an open adoption with their birth parents. In 2016 Lori co-wrote a bestselling book “The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption: Helping Your Child Grow Up Whole” with her daughter’s birth mother.