On August 24th 2024, Adoptions From The Heart held the NY Family Picnic. In fact, since Covid-19 we’ve put a pause on the event and this was the first NY Family Picnic since 2 years. The event took place at Billy Johnson Playground located in Central Park. About 30 people including staff, consultants, and families came to enjoy the day.


The family picnic provides an opportunities for reunions, connections, and friendships. Adoptive parents can invite their child’s birth parents to attend for a chance to get together. Families who attend the family picnic can also form friendships with other families who attend the family picnic. It’s a chance for them to befriend other couples who have gone through the same experience and potentially form friendships together. Lastly, it’s also a great chance for AFTH social workers to see the families that they’ve worked with. Families who attend the family picnics always leave with a memorable day of joy and connection with each other.

Giving Back & Supporting AFTH’s Expecting & Birth Parent Fund

The family picnics are also a great opportunity to give back. The Share The Love Donation Program was created where families can choose to sponsor the NY Family Picnic. Funds from the family picnic go towards our Expecting and Birth Parent Support Fund.

One of AFTH’s board member Andy Moriarty has been a strong supporter of AFTH. He is an adoptive father who joined the board of directors at AFTH to get involved with a group with a mission he strongly supports. Andy plays a pivotal role with the NY Family Picnic. Thank you to Andy for all of your support!

In an effort to raise more money, there were also AFTH merchandise and raffle that families can participate in. This year we had donations from the NY Knicks with a signed autograph of Larry Johnson, BarkBox donated a free box, and the Rochester Science Museum donated tickets for our raffles.


Overall, it was a great day where families can come together, enjoy a day to celebrate families who have been brought together through adoption in the NY area. It was great to see the joy from the families and we are excited to grow the NY family Picnic. Thank you to all the families who came out and supported our event. We hope to see you next year!