About Heidi Gonzalez

Heidi Gonzalez works at Adoptions From The Heart. Since 1985 we have successfully placed over 5,081 infants and toddlers across the United States of America. Contact us today if you are looking for information on adoption.

Justin, Maureen & Henry #4315

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to get to know us!  We know you have some tough decisions ahead of you and appreciate your consideration. We have been married for 15 years. Justin is a physician specializing in cancer.  When he is not at the hospital he can usually be found working around [...]

What’s The Difference Between Foster Care And Adoption?

Fostering and adopting a child are both options that can offer children loving homes. Foster Care & Adoption: 2 Differences & 2 Similarities There are significant differences between these two situations, both legal and practical. We'll cover 2 of the biggest differences and similarities here. 1. Adoption Is Forever, Foster Children Often Reunite With Their Birth Parents Children [...]

Tiffany #2615

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I have always wanted to be a mom, and I hope that I am able to express the love I have to give to a child. My family is my rock. I was raised in a compassionate, imaginative home where I was free to [...]

More to Love: The Joys of Adopting Multiple Children at One Time

Some families want to adopt more than one child at a time. For prospective adoptive parents, this can be challenging, however. Here’s what to expect and how to prepare for the process. Do You Qualify To Be An Adoptive Parent? You may be excited about becoming a prospective adoptive parent, but adopting multiple waiting children [...]

It’s Never Too Late: Top Tips for Older People Who Want to Adopt

If you and your spouse are older, you might think that you’re too old to adoptive parents. That’s not true, however. Here are some tips and information to help you through the process. Rely On Your Experience If you’re a parent to older children who have moved out of the home, you’ve already been down [...]

Christine & Glen #2614

Hi!  We are Christine and Glen. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a bit better. We have so much respect for you for choosing life, and are very excited about the idea of open adoption. We’re hoping our profile gives you a glimpse into who we are. We were introduced [...]

Liz & Jason #2612

Hello, we are Liz and Jason and we want to thank you for taking the time to take a look at our profile.  We have known that we wanted to become parents since we were first married and we will consider ourselves lucky and blessed if that should happen through adoption. Liz is a fundraiser [...]

For the Love of a Child: Modern Adoption Options for Birth Parents

The rules and regulations surrounding adoption options have changed significantly over the last 10 years. In addition to the declining trend in international adoption, there has been a steady shift toward more open information sources like social media, genetic testing, and access to original birth certificates. Combined with regulatory changes, this has radically altered the [...]

Pat & Laura #7200

Hi! We are Pat and Laura.  Thanks for getting to know more about us. We understand what an important decision you are facing in considering an adoption plan for your child.  We wish you much comfort and peace in this process. Our hope for you after learning more about us is that you would feel [...]