Golf Courses To Explore in Bloomfield, CT

Wintonbury Hills Golf Course This article is sponsored by the adoption agency in Bloomfield, CT, from Adoptions From The Heart.  Nestled in the grasslands of Bloomfield, Connecticut, Wintonbury Hills Golf Course is the perfect getaway for a peaceful and relaxing weekend. The golf course landscape was inspired by American golf course designer, Pete Dye's first [...]

PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh

This article is sponsored by the adoption agency in Pittsburgh at Adoptions From The Heart who enjoys catching sports games and musical performances at PPG Paints Arena with family and friends.  As a prominent entertainment venue, the PPG Paints Arena is Western Pennsylvania's local apex for sporting activities, festivals, and family events. The arena hosts [...]

Elfreth’s Alley Museum in Philadelphia

Elfreth's Alley This article is presented to you by the adoption agency in Philadelphia from Adoptions From The Heart. Whether you're a visitor or a local Philadelphian, if you have yet to visit Elfreth’s Alley, now is the time to do so. Elfreth’s Alley has made its name as the nation’s oldest continuously occupied residential [...]

Fun Weekend Activities in Pittsburgh

Wigle Whiskey Garden & Barrelhouse The article is sponsored by the adoption center in Pittsburgh at Adoptions From The Heart. If you’re interested in finding some fun activities for parents only, check out one of our recommended spots to visit with some friends over the weekend. History Of The Wigle Name Did you know that [...]

Japanese House Garden in Philadelphia

Shofuso Japanese House Garden This article is sponsored by the adoption agency in Philadelphia from Adoption From The Heart. Shofuso is a 17th century-style traditional Japanese house and garden that's located in Philadelphia, PA. Built-in 1953, the nonprofit historic site was a gift from Japan to US citizens to represent peace and friendship after the war. [...]

A Fascinating History Center To Visit in Pittsburgh, PA

Senator John Heinz History Center The adoption agency in Pittsburgh, PA, has provided this article for visitors and locals to learn more about Pittsburgh history centers to visit. Associated with the Smithsonian Institution since 2000, the History Center is Pennsylvania’s largest history museum. With 370,000 square feet of space, the museum offers visitors a wide [...]

Historical Landmarks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site The adoption agency in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from Adoptions From The Heart, has sponsored this article for your enjoyment. Early Life Of Edgar Allan Poe Born in 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts, both parents were talented performers, with his mother being more prominent than his father. In 1811, his mother passed [...]

Potential Obstacles During the Adoption Process

Adoption is a beautiful thing, yet choosing adoption definitely comes with some obstacles. Below we have put together some of the potential obstacles you might face as a prospective adoptive parent in the adoption process. Finances One of the biggest obstacles towards prospective parents hoping to adopt is the cost. According to the Child Welfare [...]

Outdoor Activities in Philadelphia, PA

Spruce Street Harbor Park With some of the most beautiful scenery, lush green landscaping, and entertainment for all to enjoy, the parks in Philly have plenty to offer. This article is presented by the Philadelphia, PA adoption agency from Adoptions From The Heart. Things To Do Spruce Street has a variety of activities and entertainment [...]