Post Adoption Depression (PAD)

We’ve all heard of Postpartum Depression, but what about Post Adoption Depression (PAD)? PAD can affect both international and domestic adoptive parents. Am I Experiencing PAD? Symptoms of PADs can be as small as feeling sad or exceptionally irritable or as serious as suicidal thoughts. Symptoms could be significant weight gain or loss and fatigue [...]

Everyone Makes Mistakes: 6 Tips For Parenting A Newborn

After a pregnant woman expresses her fears about parenting, we often hear the common refrain: "no one knows how to do it, but when your child is born, you'll figure it out." That's closer to the truth than not; no amount of parenting guides and newborn classes can truly prepare you for the realities of [...]

Conquering Your Adoption Fears

When you begin any life-altering event, such as adoption, you are faced with many fears. Your fears may be in the moment, and completely understandable, or stem from a lack of education on adoption. Admitting your fears of being an adoptive parent does not mean you are weak. It just means that you are human. [...]

Licensed Agency vs. Attorney Assisted vs. Facilitators

If you’re beginning your adoption journey, you may have some questions on the differences between licensed adoption agencies, adoption attorneys, and out-of-state facilitators. It is very important for expecting women, as well as hopeful adoptive parents, to understand the differences and find out which will work best for your needs. Which Path To Adoption Should I Take? [...]

Unplanned Pregnancy In Pittsburgh?

Do you think you may be pregnant, but aren't sure yet? We know how stressful this situation can be, and facing it head-on might feel like the hardest thing in the world. But it's very important that you find out as soon as possible. Steps Toward A Healthy Pregnancy In Pittsburgh If you are pregnant, your [...]

Creating Your Adoption Profile

If you’re just beginning the adoption process, you’re also going to start creating your adoption profile. This is one of the most important pieces of your adoption paperwork as it is what a woman considering adoption will look at when deciding on a family for her baby. Standing Out: How To Make A Great Adoption Profile [...]

13 Great Adoption Fundraisers To Try

We all know that adoption can be expensive, but some people don’t even think about the fundraising opportunities they have when they look at their expenses. After going over all of the fees with your attorney or agency, create a plan of how you will afford adoption. You may consider opening a savings account or cutting [...]

Should I Choose Independent Adoption Or Work With An Agency?

Searching the internet, you may have seen references to "private" or "independent" adoptions. Click the link, and you'll find lawyers and "facilitators," who promise to assist in the placement of your child without the help of a licensed, certified agency. That's one of the biggest differences right there. Independent adoptions don't use agencies, which are verified and regulated [...]

Surviving the Wait Through the Holidays

The holidays are a time for gathering and celebrating all that you have in your life. When you are waiting for an expectant parent to choose your family to raise their baby, the holidays can have you stressed and dreading friends and family gatherings. Waiting For Good News: Handling Friends & Family Over The Holidays No [...]

The Birth Parent Scholarship Fund

Adoptions From The Heart has been working with birth parents for over 30 years and some of our social workers have gotten to know many great men and women who placed a child and were looking to further their education. Further Your Education With Adoptions From The Heart Because of these wonderful men and women, [...]