The Truth about Open Adoption – Correcting 5 Common Misconceptions

Almost everyone involved in adoption today – adoptive parents, birth parents, adoptees, and adoption professional’s embrace that almost every aspect of adoption is different than it was in the past. The family-matching process surrounding open adoption is a relatively unique and modern concept. Expecting parents are empowered to choose which family will adopt their child [...]

Post Adoption Depression (PAD)

We’ve all heard of Postpartum Depression, but what about Post Adoption Depression (PAD)? PAD can affect both international and domestic adoptive parents. Am I Experiencing PAD? Symptoms of PADs can be as small as feeling sad or exceptionally irritable or as serious as suicidal thoughts. Symptoms could be significant weight gain or loss and fatigue [...]

Conquering Your Adoption Fears

When you begin any life-altering event, such as adoption, you are faced with many fears. Your fears may be in the moment, and completely understandable, or stem from a lack of education on adoption. Admitting your fears of being an adoptive parent does not mean you are weak. It just means that you are human. [...]

Creating Your Adoption Profile

If you’re just beginning the adoption process, you’re also going to start creating your adoption profile. This is one of the most important pieces of your adoption paperwork as it is what a woman considering adoption will look at when deciding on a family for her baby. Standing Out: How To Make A Great Adoption Profile [...]

13 Great Adoption Fundraisers To Try

We all know that adoption can be expensive, but some people don’t even think about the fundraising opportunities they have when they look at their expenses. After going over all of the fees with your attorney or agency, create a plan of how you will afford adoption. You may consider opening a savings account or cutting [...]

Surviving the Wait Through the Holidays

The holidays are a time for gathering and celebrating all that you have in your life. When you are waiting for an expectant parent to choose your family to raise their baby, the holidays can have you stressed and dreading friends and family gatherings. Waiting For Good News: Handling Friends & Family Over The Holidays No [...]

New Jersey Employer Provided Adoption Benefits

The State of New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development offers Family Leave Insurance for many adoptive families within the state. NJ’s Family Leave Insurance offers monetary benefits to parents who have chosen to take a leave of absence from their employment for the purpose of bonding with a newly adopted child. Applying For [...]

Dealing With Infertility

Facts About Infertility If you are facing infertility, the first thing to know is that you aren’t alone. An estimated 3-7% of the world population has "an unresolved problem of infertility" according to the British Journal of General Practice. While that may seem like a small number, it actually represents around 505 million people! Closer [...]