Adoptions From The Heart has helped to build beautiful families for 30 years. Stay current by following our news & announcements. Open, private agency.

Heart-To-Heart with Birth Parents Event: What You Missed

Birth Parent Stories On Wednesday, February 24th, Adoptions From The Heart hosted a virtual event: Heart-To-Heart with Birth Parents. This event brought birth parent voices to light, giving them the time and space to speak on topics unique to their adoption journeys. Dually, this event was a fundraiser with a goal of raising $1,000, which [...]

AFTH Opens Two New Programs for Expecting and Birth Parent Support

Adoptions From The Heart (AFTH) offers two new services, Expectant Parent Pre-Placement and Birth Parent Post-Placement. Through AFTH’s commitment to serving the adoption triad, the agency realized an even greater need for additional services dedicated to women. Although some of these services are active, AFTH realized there is a need to enhance and add to [...]

Adoptions From The Heart Building Beautiful Families Calendar

Adoptions From The Heart releases annual calendar to support birth parents in need   (Wynnewood, PA) – Adoptions From The Heart (AFTH), a nonprofit open adoption agency, is releasing its 2021 Building Beautiful Families Calendar. Each month within the calendar features pictures of adoptees whose placement was facilitated by AFTH. The calendar is available for sale at $14. [...]

Springtime Family Fun Ideas

It’s almost time to lose your heavy coats, gloves, and boots because Spring is approaching! Spring is the perfect time to get outdoors, go on new adventures, and make memories with your family. Below is a curated list of things for your family to do that will allow you to kick off this spring season [...]

National Infertility Awareness Week: Candi Meck

Candi and Chuck Meck met while both working at the grocery store 20+ years ago. “Chuck came to the store and delivered the milk. I always say that I married the milkman,” Candi laughed. The happy couple now has a 5-year-old daughter named Camryn.

Adoptions From The Heart 1st Virtual 5k

We are sad we had to cancel our traditional 5k, but we refuse to let it get our spirits down. Instead, we are launching AFTH's First Virtual 5k. With Social Distancing at the forefront, we have reinvented our 5k to accommodate our current situation. We still want to open the opportunity for people everywhere to come [...]

Important COVID-19 Announcement…

            March 13, 2020 Dear Prospective Adoptive Parents, As a child welfare agency, we must adhere to the government suggestions and warnings and take abundant caution regarding the rise of COVID-19. Please rest assured that your health and well-being are our top priority. It’s important that we take their recommended [...]