Yesterday, the Adoptions From The Heart staff gathered at Ryan Christopher’s in Ardmore, PA to say farewell to a beloved member of the team. Tamara Christ, the AFTH Domestic Program Coordinator, Regional and District Supervisor, and New York Program Manager, last day with the agency is quickly approaching and we wanted to celebrate her!

Event and Marketing Coordinator, Denna smiling for the camera at Ryan Christopher’s restaurant.
AFTH Lunch

The lovely luncheon menu, so many delicious options!

AFTH Lunch

Hugs for Tammy!

AFTH Lunch

Rae, Stephanie, Amanda, Jenna, Rachel and Chelsey smiling big for the camera!

AFTH Lunch

Executive Director, Maxine Chalker alongside Assistant Director Heidi Gonzalez smile with other AFTH staff members.

AFTH Lunch

Event Sponsorship and Marketing Coordinator, Dani snuck into a photo with the AFTH Cherry Hill office!

AFTH Lunch

Michaelina, Ashley and Tammy are ready for their close up!

AFTH Lunch

Hannah, Kristy and Danielle, happy to be celebrating Tammy’s time at Adoptions From The Heart

AFTH Lunch

Danielle, Sophia and Luli are ready for lunch!!

AFTH Lunch

Group photo candid!

AFTH Lunch

Ryan Christopher’s knows how to do dessert! We had to try them all!

AFTH Lunch

The Waldorf salad with goat cheese was delicious! We would eat it everyday if we could!

Thank you Ryan Christopher’s restaurant for hosting all of us for lunch and Adoption From The Heart wishes Tammy the best of luck in all of her future endeavors! You will be greatly missed!