Heart-to-Heart LGBTQIA Families Event- Know Before You Go

Did you know that according to the William Institute "Same-sex couples raising children are four times more likely to than their different sex counterparts to be raising an adopted child." We find that more LGBTQIA families are choosing adoption as a beautiful way to start their families. It is so vital and important to highlight [...]

Voices of Adoption: Adoption Counselor Christian

Christian 's adoption has been a journey of discovery, acceptance, and healing that has shaped his identity in profound ways. Five years into the reunion with his birth family, he has experienced highs and lows, finding joy and a sense of belonging in this intricate web of relationships. The acceptance of his feelings surrounding his [...]

Voices of Adoption: Donna Steacker

Follow along with Donna Steacker’s domestic adoption story of her two children, Hannah and LJ.  Adoption is a beautiful and unique way to build a family, but it often comes with its own set of challenges and heartwarming moments. Our adoption story is a testament to the power of love and the strength of family [...]

National Adoption Month 2020 Story: Bringing home Matilda

For a while, Matt and Ashley were living a great life together out in Central Pennsylvania. There was never a dull moment in their household with their dogs, cats, and pet lizard for sure. They were happy, however, something was missing in their life... a baby. Parenthood would be the one thing that would turn [...]

Jennifer, Rob and Genevieve’s Story

Jennifer, Rob, and Genevieve When Jennifer and Robert got married, they knew right away that they wanted to start a family. However, they quickly learned that conceiving a child would not be an option for them. After struggling with infertility – Jennifer and Rob decided it was time to begin considering other ways [...]

The Day Quinn came into Our Lives

My husband and I were placed with a beautiful baby girl through AFTH on November 2, 2016. After almost two and a half years of waiting we finally received a call for an emergency placement. We had less than 24 hours to travel to Philadelphia to meet our daughter Quinn. It was quite a whirlwind [...]

The Day Allison and Eric became Skylar’s Parents

The adoption process for Eric and I took longer than we ever thought it would.  It took us a year to find the right agency, almost a year to complete the paperwork and we were in the system waiting 2 years and 3 months when we finally got the call!  During this process, my biggest [...]