Marilyn Rich’s Monumental Contributions to AFTH and the Adoption Triad

Marilyn Rich is our Central PA District Supervisor and Search Coordinator. As an adoption search coordinator, Marilyn works to reunite long lost family members. Prior to working with AFTH, Marilyn worked in reproductive health care, where she assisted women facing unplanned pregnancies. Marilyn was always familiar with our agency because she often would refer women [...]

The Day Quinn came into Our Lives

My husband and I were placed with a beautiful baby girl through AFTH on November 2, 2016. After almost two and a half years of waiting we finally received a call for an emergency placement. We had less than 24 hours to travel to Philadelphia to meet our daughter Quinn. It was quite a whirlwind [...]

Establishing A Bond With Your Child As An Adoptive Parent

Establishing a bond with your child as an adoptive parent can have many ups and downs. Adoptive parents may be wondering how to develop a healthy, strong relationship with them. It is possible to develop a bond with the adoptee, and there are specific steps you can take to ensure a healthy, strong relationship with [...]

The Day Our Daughter Lauren was Born

We finished all our paperwork on May 5 and were told that it would probably be 4-6 months before we were chosen as adoptive parents. 20 days later, AFTH called us and placed a newborn little girl with us. We took her home and 24 hours later the birth mother changed her mind. We took her [...]

Becoming ‘Daddy and Papa’ through adoption at AFTH

When we first began our adoption journey ten years ago, we had no idea as a gay couple what to expect. This was in the days before gay marriage was legal, and gay adoption seemed pretty "out there" to us, especially open adoption. Would prospective birth moms even consider us? Would we wait years? Fortunately, [...]

The Day Allison and Eric became Skylar’s Parents

The adoption process for Eric and I took longer than we ever thought it would.  It took us a year to find the right agency, almost a year to complete the paperwork and we were in the system waiting 2 years and 3 months when we finally got the call!  During this process, my biggest [...]

The Combs Family-written by Colleen

My husband and I were married for about 7 years when our lives changed forever. We had worked with Adoptions From The Heart to adopt a child through their domestic program. We matched quickly, but it fell through in the end. But in 2004, our son Thomas came into our life. He was an emergency [...]

Jen’s Journey to Parenthood with Adoptions From The Heart

A picture with Maxine 10 years apart As a single mother, I set out on the adoption journey with Adoptions From The Heart almost 15 years ago.  I had researched many agencies and I loved so many things about AFTH. They had a great international program that they were involved with at the [...]

Our World Changed Forever and Our Lives Truly Began

Abby, Josh, and baby Grayson at the AFTH Family Picnic Adoptee to Adoptive Mother Adopting a child has always been a dream of mine. I myself was adopted from South Korea as an infant. I always felt strongly about wanting to give a child the life, love, and opportunity that I was given [...]