National Birth Mother’s Day: Honoring Women Who Choose Adoption

National Birth Mother’s Day is observed every year the Saturday before Mother’s Day. On this day, we should all recognize and applaud the birth mothers who made the loving, courageous, and selfless decision to place their child for adoption, leading families around the world to experience one of life’s greatest joys. This year National Birth [...]

Returning to My Daughter’s Birth Country

Jen always knew she wanted to be a mother and has expressed interest in adoption since she was a child. Eventually, Jen reached a time in her life when she decided it was now or never, and moved forward to research agencies that would walk her through the process, which is how she found Adoptions [...]

Meet Emma: An AFTH Birth Mother Scholarship Winner

Emma Every semester AFTH awards three deserving birth parents a scholarship to help them pursue a higher education. Since its establishment in 2014, 19 scholarships have been awarded. What makes this scholarship special, is that it is not limited to birth parents who have worked with AFTH. Anyone (men and women) who has [...]

AFTH Offers Classes Designed for Adoptive Parents

Each Spring and Fall, Adoptions From The Heart offers a series of educational classes intended to increase knowledge and inform adoptive parents on various topics; including prenatal drug exposure, infant/child care and more. We encourage all adoptive families to attend, because the adoption journey is lifelong, so whether you are just starting the process, getting [...]

National Social Work Month: Meet Your AFTH Social Workers

Meet Your AFTH Social Workers As National Social Work Month comes to an end, we want to turn the spotlight on some of AFTH’s amazing social workers. As adoption social workers, they provide birth and adoptive families with comfort and compassion throughout their adoption journey. Day in and day out, they strive to make a [...]

Changes to Your Will After Adopting a Child

A will is an important document for any adult to have, as it specifies who will receive your property and who will care for your children if they are still minors when you pass away. Property mentioned can include anything with monetary or emotional value, including your home and land, your car, bank accounts and [...]

Intercountry Adoption is in Danger Due to Higher Fees

Department of State announces new fees On February 1, 2018 the U.S. Department of State issued a notice to adoption agencies and providers concerning obligatory fee increases related to accreditation eligibility approved by the federal government.  To operate legally, all intercountry adoption service providers must obtain and maintain accreditation, to ensure they meet ethic and [...]

Tips for Creating Your Adoption Profile from Adoptive Parents

A common question many prospective adoption parents have is, what makes an adoptive profile successful? When it comes to creating a profile, every family has their own approach, and what you decide to put in it is completely up to you. However, almost all will agree that your profile is the introduction and the first [...]