During the adoption process, it is not uncommon for the birth mother and her feelings to overshadow the birth father’s. However, birth fathers may have questions, concerns and wide range of emotions as well.

Stay involved

Having an open and honest conversation with the mother of your child may be helpful as well.  A birth father’s role in an adoption plan  is just as important as the birth mother. The adoption journey can be scary for birth parents, but staying involved through the entire process is a great way to ease worry and concerns,  even if you and the birth mother are not together. This will show  that your role as a birth father  is just as important as the birth mother’s.  It is essential that an agency, social workers, and even the birth mother allows for your voice to be heard and treats you fairly.   In an interview with adoptivefamilies.com, adoption attorney Mark McDermott states, “Any responsible adoption lawyer will emphasize the birth father’s role during his very first interview with adoptive parents.” McDermott goes on to say, “The birth mother may not even be aware that the birth father has legal rights.”

Find Help

Being nervous about the adoption is process is normal.  A great way to work through your feelings is to speak with a social worker, an advocate or even a close friend who can help you sort out your thoughts. Finding useful ways to help you adjust to the changes within the adoption process can be helpful. Writing down your thoughts and experiences you’ve had through this journey may be healing. Although, if you find yourself still are struggling, join birth parent groups for help and support.

Birth Father Fridays

Follow AFTH on Facebook, as we honor and celebrate birth fathers. Every Friday, we will share a story, post an article or a photograph that highlights and acknowledges birth fathers. AFTH recognizes that birth fathers very important,


