adoption center in Glenwood, Pennsylvania near recreation center

This information in this article is brought to you by the adoption center in Glenwood, Pennsylvania, from Adoptions From The Heart.

Located within North Philadelphia, Glenwood is close to the North Philadelphia Station on West York Street. In an effort to develop the region, two residents of the 3100 block of Percy Street, Reverend Clarence Hester, a Baptist preacher and activist, and Carrie Hartsfield, a retired insurance worker, cofounded the Glenwood Community Development Corporation in 1988.


Statistics from the Census of 2010 share that there was an estimated racial diversity breakdown of the following:

  • 88% African American
  • 7.8% Hispanic or Latino
  • 2% White
  • 1% Asian
  • 1.3% all other races

As you can tell by looking at the diversity statistics, Glenwood is a primarily African-American area with a low-income population. Despite mainly being a black neighborhood, there is a rising population of Hispanics, notably in the neighborhood’s eastern sections and regions directly west of Germantown Avenue.


Unfortunately, Glenwood is known as having one of the highest crime rates in the city. It dates back to the 1980s drug use epidemic that fled through the population and created a space full of drug use and violence. When recreational drugs were available in Hester’s neighborhood, he claimed, many residents fled, and drug traffickers moved into their empty homes. Hester started a campaign against local drug traffickers, getting Philadelphia Mayor W. Wilson Goode to order the destruction of 82 buildings at the Hutchinson Street and Percy Street junction.

Glenwood Today

Since the 1980s, the area has continuously improved drastically and today offers residents an urban feel within a suburban community. Residents have tons of parks, recreational facilities, restaurants, bars, and more to enjoy.

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Our Local Office

Our caring professionals are ready to support potential adoptive parents, pregnant mothers, and their children from ourĀ Glenwood adoption center. Our team can answer any questions you may have and can provide you with the knowledge that you and your family need to make the right decision.