About AFTH Marketing

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So far AFTH Marketing has created 609 blog entries.

AFTH Recommended Adoptive Parent Bloggers

Parenting is is one of the best if not the best job on the planet. Here is the thing about parenting though, it is not the kind of job that comes with an employee handbook. You know what else does not come with a handbook? Adoption! Adoptive parents find themselves navigating through their own unique challenges [...]

Adoptions From The Heart’s 3rd Annual Zumba®-Thon

Adoptions From The Heart’s 3rd Annual Zumba®-Thon was nothing short of a success. Over fifty people joined us at the Greater York Dance to partake in the two-hour Zumba® event.  Participants danced to Rock, Tango, Merengue, and more while supporting the Expecting and Birth Parent Support Fund. AFTH’s Expecting and Birth Parent Support Fund aids [...]

My Experience at a Birth Parent Support Group

Attending a birth parent support group allowed me to see a side that is often overlooked. The birth parent's perspective. Although I will never understand what it's like to place a child, I can appreciate their stories and I was inspired by them.

NEW AFTH Material on Birth Father Rights and Support Services

When people hear the term “birth parent” they often only think about the birth mother, but forget that the term represents birth father as well. Promiscuous, lazy, irresponsible, careless, abusive, careless, deadbeat, irrelevant, M.I.A- are often the adjectives and terms that pop into peoples heads when someone says “birth father.” Unfortunately these stereotypes formed from [...]

A Birth Parent’s Guide to Facing Post-Placement Feelings: Anger

It is inevitable that you will feel anger with yourself, your child’s adoptive parents, what others say, family, friends and etc. A lot of you may start to overthink and say, “Is my anger a sign that I made the wrong decision?” The answer is NO. Anger is normal even under the best of circumstances [...]

Helpful Tips for LGBTQ Families with Children in Elementary School

Before Your Child Goes to Elementary School -Show PRIDE: From the moment your children are born instill a sense of pride in them about your family. Although your family looks different that the Joneses,  they are not the only ones on the planet with LGBTQ parents/gaurdians. Today more and more children’s books and entertainment programs [...]