The Community of West Boulevard Historic District

This article is brought to you by the adoption center in West Boulevard Historic District, CT, from Adoptions From The Heart. West Boulevard Historic District The iconic West Boulevard Historic District is a well-known historic district with tons of ongoing and growing residential development within Hartford, Connecticut. Beginning in 1909, the region was developed, and [...]

A Timeline and Modern History of Green Tree

Have you ever visited Green Tree? Learn about the area with help from the adoption center in Green Tree, PA, from Adoptions From The Heart, who have kindly sponsored this article. Located within Allegheny County, Green Tree is a borough with a small population of about 4,432 based on the United States census of [...]

Blue Hills: A Local Guide

The information in this article is sponsored by the adoption center in Blue Hills, Connecticut, a part of Adoptions From The Heart. Blue Hills is a community within Hartford County in Connecticut located on the northwest corner of the city near our local adoption agency in Bloomfield. There are several schools and residences in Blue [...]

The History Of Port Richmond, PA

The adoption agency in Port Richmond, Pennsylvania from Adoptions From The Heart has sponsored the information in this article for your enjoyment. Located in Philadelphia, Port Richmond is a quaint neighborhood in the River Wards area with a prominent community of Polish, Irish, Italian and German immigrants. A large portion of the community has shortened [...]

If You Have a Dream, You Can Achieve it and make it Come True

We had the chance to speak with one of Adoptions From The Heart’s (AFTH) Birth Parent Scholarship recipients, Tiffani. Tiffani is one of two birth mothers who received an award for the Fall 2021 semester.   After placing her oldest daughter for adoption, Tiffani struggled to work through difficult emotions. She dealt with grief and [...]

Adoptee Suicide Awareness

The topic of suicide can be difficult to discuss but is necessary to break down stigmas and shift public perceptions about suicide. Suicidal thoughts, much like mental health conditions, can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, or background. In fact, suicide is often the result of an untreated mental health condition. Although suicidal thoughts can [...]

A Guide To East Hartford, CT

This article is brought to you by the adoption agency in East Hartford, CT, from Adoptions From The Heart. We hope you enjoy learning about East Hartford, and learn something you might not have known before. East Hartford is a town within Hartford County in Connecticut along the Connecticut River. The city is home to [...]

Discover South Side Flats, PA

This article is sponsored by the adoption agency in South Side Flats, PA, from Adoptions From The Heart who enjoys providing these educational articles for their readers. Just south of the Monogahela River, South Side Flats is a neighborhood full of several smaller communities within Pittsburgh, PA. The area features one of the highest concentrations [...]

Learn About The Neighborhood Of Kensington, PA

The information in this article is kindly sponsored by the adoption agency in Kensington, PA from Adoption From The Heart. We hope you enjoy reading this article on the neighborhood of Kensington and learn something you may have not known before. Kensington is a part of the larger city of Philadelphia and is located between [...]