Adoptions From The Heart has helped to build beautiful families for 30 years. Stay current by following our news & announcements. Open, private agency.

AFTH Staff Celebrates The Holidays

Season's Greetings! Last week Adoptions From The Heart hosted a holiday party for staff at Manayunk Brewery and Restaurant. We're so grateful for days, where we can all be together, rejoice in the holiday spirit and reflect on the past year, and what we are looking forward to in the year ahead! Below are a few photos [...]

Gifts For The Birth Mother in Your Life

In most open adoptions, adoptive families have a unique relationship with their child’s birth mother. In many cases, adoptive parents will schedule visits or phone calls, send photos or write letters to birth families, in an effort to create a healthy and happy family dynamic. Some adoptive parents occasionally send gifts – and with the [...]

Q&A with AFTH Newest Adoptive Parents

On Friday November 18, 2016; five AFTH adoptive parents finalized their adoptions, at the Camden County Court House in Camden, NJ. The day of the finalizations fell on National Adoption Day, which made the day all the more fitting and special. We spoke with two of the families, Jennifer and Joe , as well as Leanne and Ryan, [...]

N.J. adoptees get right to original birth certificate in 2017

In most states, when a child is adopted, his original birth certificate is filed and sealed by the court. For years, original birth certificates have not been available to the public, and an adoptee could only access it by a court order under good cause. According to the American Adoption Congress there are only 19 states throughout [...]

November Is National Adoption Month

National Adoption Month (NAM) also known as National Adoption Awareness Month has a long standing history. For over 20 years, adoption agencies, social workers, and adoption groups have coordinated events, workshops, etc. to raise awareness about adoption. What started as a week-long initiative, transitioned into a month-long campaign to highlight the positive impact adoption has [...]

Adoptions From The Heart Casino Royale 2016 Recap

Ante Up Last weekend, on Saturday November 5th, Adoptions From The Heart hosted their first Annual Casino Royale at the Clothier Room in Wynnewood, Pa. Over 100 people came out to for a night of fun, food and fundraising, all benefitting the Birth Parent Scholarship Fund. Guests enjoyed a collection of mellow harmonies, by the [...]

AFTH Gearing Up For Casino Royale Fundraiser

Adoptions From The Heart inaugural Casino Royale fundraiser will be taking place on Saturday, November 5th.  AFTH staff couldn’t be more excited to host a night of fun, food and fundraising to support the Birth Parent Scholarship Fund. AFTH’s Birthparent Scholarship Fund provides birth parents with financial assistant, who are seeking to continue their education. [...]

Transracial Adoption: Parenting a Child of Another Race

Transracial adoption (or interracial adoption) - refers to the adoption of a child that is of a different race than that of the adoptive parents. The quickest cure for racism would be to have everyone in the country adopt a child of another race. No matter what your beliefs, when you hold a four-day-old infant, [...]

New Team Members at Adoptions From The Heart

New Team Members at AFTH Here at AFTH some exciting changes have taken place! Our marketing team is full of fresh faces, and we have two new social workers! AFTH is eager to see what the new marketing team will think up to spread the word about AFTH and open adoption. We are also thrilled that [...]

The Memory Bear, A Story of Love for Birth Parents

The Memory Bear Jeff and Samantha, two parents who just recently adopted their baby boy, Ethan, through AFTH, were so excited when they discovered they’d be expanding their family. Their bursting gratitude inspired them. That's when Samantha discovered the memory bear. This bear would be made from blankets used for baby Ethan when in the [...]